
Friday, February 27, 2009

A Verse To Ponder

It's Friday and my brain is about worn out. So while I run errands and work around the house, reflect on this promise from God's Word.

Have a wonderful and refreshing weekend!

Ephesians 3:20(The Message):
"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baked Oatmeal

This yummy dish shows up on my menu plans quite often. It's easy to prepare the night before and have refrigerated to bake the next morning. This makes 3 breakfasts for the two of us. Not bad!

My mom made this for us growing up. Now it's one of my husband's favorites! It's good warm out of the oven or cold the next day. We eat it like cereal with milk.

Baked Oatmeal

3 cups quick-cooking oats
1 cup brown sugar or 1/2 cup honey
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup melted butter or oil

Mix all ingredients. Pour into a 8 or 9-inch square pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Serve with milk. Makes 4-6 servings.

For fun, add in some chocolate chips, blueberries,cranberries, dried fruit, nuts or coconut! Our favorite is walnut and cranberry(dried or frozen).

**This post is part of Life as Mom's Ultimate Recipe Swap. Today's theme is favorite breakfast foods, so head on over!

Kreativ Blogger Award

Tracy from Lines From The Vine recently awarded me with this award. Thanks, Tracy!

I'm tagging the following blogs I love to read for this award:

--The Homespun Heart
--In This Season
--Challenges and Adventures
--My Heart Is Always Home
--A Simple Walk

To claim your award you need to:

* 1. Thank the person who gave the award to you

* 2. Post the award on your blog or on a post

* 3. Nominate blogs which show great attitude/gratitude

* 4. Link to the people you chose on your post

Then comment on their blogs to tell them about the award.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog Housekeeping

I noticed that there were a number of links in recent posts that were not working properly. I've corrected them and they are working again.

Sorry about this!

Weigh-In Wednesday

I'm joining in once again with Kate and Joy from Happy To Be At Home to update you on my weight-loss progress.

Doing pretty well. I'm making sure to add a salad or vegetable to my lunches which helps to balance the carb factor that seems to be more present with lunch leftovers.

I'm getting back on track with drinking enough water. Not perfect...but I'm doing better.

I've slowed down a bit due to the pain in my one knee. Taking a friend's advice, I'm icing my knee (with ice not frosting,LOL!!!)after running as well as every evening and applying heat to it before I run. It really does help! He also suggested going back to more of a walk/run again. This week I've been doing more walking than running, to give my knees a bit of a break. Hopefully I'll get back into the groove soon.

I made a chocolate pizza for our belated Valentine's dinner at home. It was very good. I only ate a small piece and sent a large amount of it the next day when my husband went to be with some friends, leaving only a small portion in the refrigerator for him to eat over the weekend. I did eat a small chunk later on but wasn't tempted to overindulge. That is a big success!

The knee pain makes it difficult to keep running, so it's hard to know whether to keep on or just walk instead.

Plans for next week:
Continue on!

No weight loss or gain this week. I wish the weight-loss would go faster but I am grateful for the discipline I am learning. It will be worth it in the long run!

What Still Works For Me?

Sometimes I read through my blog archives and I am slightly amused at some of the things that I've posted about. This blog is clearly a running diary or journal of the happenings of my life. Maybe I don't write about what happens every day, but there is a rambling pattern of phases, stages and what has been and is important to me.

Then there are my Works For Me Wednesday posts where I tell the w.w.w.(whole wide world) about something that works so well for me. I read some of these and think, "Oh boy, do I need to update this one!"

So today, I'm sharing a round-up of some of my oldest WFMW posts that still really work for me.

What Still Works For Me:

--Stamps in my mailbox. This is the best! I put my order out with the mail and like magic, the stamps appear within a few days.

--Keeping my tithe money in my Bible.

--Having birthday cards ready. Which reminds me. I haven't done this year's yet!We only have one family birthday between January and March so I'm really still ok!

--Using a binder for bill-paying.About a year ago, I thought perhaps I should look into some other more tech-savvy ways to keep track of my bills, but I quickly came back to this simple method. This works for me right now!

Don't forget that Works For Me Wednesday has a new home. It can now be found every Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Free Book

Moody Publishers is giving away a free book as a way to promote their new book club.

Visit their site for more information!

Thanks to my sister for letting me know about this!

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Favorite Kitchen Tools

Even though I'm not one to have all the latest and greatest one-use gadgets such as smoothie blenders and quesadilla makers in my kitchen cabinets, I do love good tools that make my job that much easier.

And when it comes to good kitchen gadgets, I find that buying quality and often more expensive tools last longer than their cheaper counterparts. While I often purchase items from yard sales or thrift stores and certainly look for a deal whenever I make a purchase, I figure that a well-made kitchen tool will serve me well for years to come.

My kitchen is small and storage space at a premium. What I choose to keep and store must be something that I will use on a pretty consistent basis. Of course, some things like canning supplies, Christmas cookie cutters and a large roaster that you only pull out during the holidays are the exception and are worth keeping. I think you know what I mean.

In no particular order, here are ten of my favorite kitchen items.

1) Pyrex mixing and measuring bowls. These were a wedding gift. I really think that I use them every day. My set of 4 includes a 1-cup, 2-cup, 1-quart and 2-quart sizes. You can measure, pour and mix right in these bowls. In simplifying my kitchen, I've decluttered a lot of my other various measuring cups and kept these.

2) Baker's Roller. This two-sided rolling pin from Pampered Chef is awesome. I get so excited about this product that some would think that I get a cut from every one they sell. I am not really brand-loyal for most things but this item from Pampered Chef is worth the money. I use it for pizza crusts and any desserts that require rolling or pressing a crust into the pan.

3)Pyrex 3-cup rectangular dishes. Ok, so this is not technically a "tool". But in the process of ditching most of the plastic in favor of better quality and safer leftover containers, I've found these to be very useful. This dish is just right for lunches-the right size for dinner leftovers such as meat and a veggie or two. They stack really nice in the fridge and can be put in the oven(minus the plastic lid, of course). I also really like the 9x13 pans that come with the plastic lids. They're so great for stacking and transporting.

4)3-sided Grater. Well before I was married I was given a small gift card to Belk's. Being the practical sort I headed right to housewares to see if there was anything that I needed. All kitchen items were on sale and I was able to get one of these graters. I will not go back to the little flimsy graters that slide and fall and scrape my skin off. For large amounts of food, I'll pull out my food processor. But for everyday use, this grater is awesome.

5)Crockpot. This wonderful servant gets plenty of use in my kitchen. Not only can I cook main dishes in it, but it is also used for making yogurt, chicken broth, applesauce and cooking beans.

6)Bosch mixer and blender. Regular readers will know that I mention my Bosch a lot. Yes, a Kitchen Aid mixer is great but a Bosch is even better, in my humble opinion and is made for heavy-duty mixing such as large amounts of bread dough. I was blessed to receive mine as a wedding gift from my parents. If you're looking for a mixer that will stand up to making batch after batch of bread dough as well as other mixing, then the Bosch is for you. It is expensive, but will last and last with regular use.

7)Skinny spatula. The rubber spatula or scraper, depending on what you call it is the frugal cook's savior. It gets the last of the pancake batter from the mixing bowl and scrapes every bit of peanut butter out of the jar. Again, this is a tool that I use every day!

8)Mini-whisk. This is wonderful for gravies, pancake batter, sauces, scrambling eggs, anything that needs to be blended until smooth. I've had this for many years. I believe my mom purchased it from a restaurant supply store so it's nice stainless steel. I also have a large whisk which I rarely use. If I could only have one whisk in my kitchen, I'd choose the little one.

9)Rada vegetable peeler. My dad sells Rada cutlery and gifted me with a full basic set. I like the way the knives feel in my hand and they do a good job of cutting, too. My favorite piece, however, is the vegetable peeler. It peels quickly and smoothly. The cheap ones from the store don't hold a candle to this one. Again, I hope I don't have to go back. With items such as these, every cook gets used to and prefers the kind that they use. If you're looking for a good peeler or set of knives, I would recommend Rada,though.

10)Large baking pans. Not just a cookie sheet, these can be used to bake almost anything. I wouldn't suggest using them for lasagna or thick casseroles, though. LOL!!! Pizzas, french bread, rolls, bar cookies, cookies, roasting vegetables, granola....the list could go on and on.

So there you have it. My top 10 kitchen favorites. At least the top 10 that I can think of right now! My list is always changing since I love cooking. I love being in my kitchen. I love kitchen tools. Tools that don't clutter up my home but actually make some aspects of my job as cook a whole lot easier!

What are some of your most-used kitchen items? Please share!

For more kitchen tips, visit Tammy's Recipes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

On my bedside table:
--The Many Loves of Marriage by Thomas and Nanette Kinkade. This was a $1 yard sale find from this past weekend!

On my TV:
--Super Why! at noon for the kiddos

On the menu for tonight:
--eat at church meeting. I'm taking corn bread.

On my To Do List:
--clean kitchen
--clip and sort coupons
--work on upcoming blog posts during nap time

New Recipe I tried last week:
--chocolate pizza from the newest Taste of Home magazine-Yum!

In the craft basket:
--felt pieces for flannel board

Looking forward to:
--a quieter week

Homemaking Tip for this week:
--If you use whole milk, you can dilute it with water for cooking. I dilute it almost 50/50 and it works fine. This stretches your gallon of milk and saves a bit of money.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Pedestals at The Homespun Heart

Favorite photo from last week:

Sorry, no picture this week. I really need to do better in using my camera!

Lesson learned the past few days:
Washing whites with a dark blue item will cause socks to turn blue! Duh!

On my Prayer List:
--my husband

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

Isaiah 26:3:
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

Thought to go with this verse:
"Your focus will become your reality." Instead of focusing on negative thoughts, finances, our poor economy and so on, I want to focus on Jesus Christ. I want that perfect peace the Scripture speaks of here!

Thanks to Sandra for hosting Happy Homemaker Monday!

Menu Plan Monday

I took a few weeks off from serious menu planning. I had a plan, just in my mind and not down on paper. Having my plan on paper or online works better because I'm more apt to remember it! A menu plan makes my days so much easier and more scheduled.

I have a full refrigerator, pantry and freezer from recent shopping trips so it was easy to come up with a menu!

To do: mix baked oatmeal and refrigerate overnight
B-scrambled eggs, toast
L-All-Day Church Event: Lunch provided.
D-green salad, cottage cheese, apple slices

To do: soak beans overnight, remove quiche from freezer
B-baked oatmeal, grapefruit
L-tuna melts, carrot sticks
D-eat at meeting

B-baked oatmeal leftovers, fruit smoothie
L-spinach quiche**
D-pinto beans, cornbread, salad

B-baked oatmeal leftovers, apple slices
D-turketti (A new recipe. How could I refuse such a fun name?), steamed mixed veggies


B-scrambled eggs, toast
D-pepperoni pizza, salad

B-chocolate-zucchini bread**, fruit smoothies
D-Israeli Spice Chicken, steamed green beans, brown rice**

To do:make food for Sunday's fellowship
B-cheese grits
D-pancakes, scrambled eggs

**denotes ready-to-eat from the freezer
For more menu planning fun, please visit Organizing Junkie!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Homemade Bread

One of my favorite aspects of homemaking is having the time to bake homemade bread. To me, it is an old-fashioned and homey skill that produces something wonderful!

Learning to bake bread is an art and is one that takes time to learn. With the right recipes and experience, it becomes easy to create homemade bread that your whole family will love!

While I still buy a loaf of bread from the store on occasion, I aim to make most of our breads myself. The varieties that I make most frequently are Honey Wheat Bread, French Bread, and Wheat Rolls.

Since I'm learning the art of soaking grains, I've been using this recipe for whole grain bread and it is delicious!

Baking my own bread has proved to be a frugal choice most of the time as good loaves of bread cost a lot to buy! It can also be a more nutritious option especially if you grind your own grains.

Unlike pioneer women who kneaded their bread by hand, I enjoy using my Bosch mixer which was a wedding gift from my parents. I sometimes knead a small batch of bread by hand, though. Even though I have a mixer and learned to make bread that way, I still feel that it's important to know how to do it by hand in case I need to do it without my mixer someday. It has also enabled me to be able to teach other ladies how to bake bread when they don't have a mixer at home.

Baking bread gives the house such a yummy smell. This smell carries to outside our home to welcome my husband and guests with an enticing aroma.

And I don't think anything is as delicious as a slice of fresh warm bread slathered with butter.

Homemade bread--definitely one of the finer things in life!

Stop by Amy's blog for more Finer Things Friday posts!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Banana Snowmen

When I saw these fruity snowmen in Family Fun magazine, I knew my little childcare boys would like them for a special snack one day!

Instead of threading the fruit onto skewers, I simply arranged the fruit in a snowman shape on a plate. Two and a half year old boys are plenty dangerous without the help of sharp pointed objects!

I used blueberries instead of a grape, large chocolate chips instead of minis and carrot sticks instead of pretzels for the arms. Older kids would enjoy assembling this snack themselves.

There were smiles all around when these fun snowmen were served!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

Another weigh-in Wednesday! Let's see how I did this past week...

Not so good. Valentine's Day and hormones had me snacking on as many sweets as I could find! I also made and ate way too many sugar cookies for Valentine's Day.I think I ate more sugar last week than I have in all of 2009 so far. Not good, not good.

I was doing really well on drinking enough water, but have gotten off track in the last few weeks.

The running is going well. It is a lot of work! Now that I am running longer distances(20 minutes this week), I'm having a lot of trouble with stiffness and soreness in my knee. My first thought was that the muscles are getting a workout. And they are, but it appears that it may be something more than that. I'm hoping that it will go away soon!

I'm doing well with portion control at meals.

Staying away from the sweets!

Plans for next week:
Up my water intake.
Concentrate on more veggies.
Stay away from the sweets!

I lost 1 pound this week. Yeah! If you have been following these updates, you will know that I hadn't lost any weight in the 8 weeks that I've been exercising and watching what I eat. So let's all do a happy dance! I dropped one pound even with eating Girl Scout cookies, Valentine cookies and banana cake! Not that I should try another week like that....:-)

**This post is part of Happy To Be At Home's Weigh-In Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Crackers For Soup? Improvise!

When serving soup one day last week, I discovered that we were out of saltine crackers to eat with it.

Normally, I would serve bread or toast with soup, but this time I remembered a bag of croutons that I had in the pantry and used those instead.

They were crisp and seasoned with garlic and added a nice little extra to a bowl of soup. Yum! I'll need to use croutons instead of crackers more often!

For more kitchen tips, visit Tammy's Recipes!

Our Valentine's Day

We had a nice Valentine's day. My husband took me to downtown Salisbury, NC to spend the day poking around. We spent approximately 6 hours in a 3 block radius just checking out bookstores, thrift shops and antique stores. We didn't buy a whole lot but enjoyed the time spent together. This is an activity that we enjoyed often when we were dating, but has kind of gone by the wayside since the wedding. I admit that at first I didn't want to go away on Saturday. All of last week, it seemed that I just kept falling further and further behind in my tasks and things I needed to do. I thought I needed to spend a day at home working and catching up. (I'm a really fun wife, aren't I?!?) But I am glad I went. It was refreshing to spend a day with no schedule.

Before we left, I made heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast and served them with strawberries.(Forgot to take pictures.) Yum! In the evening, Andy took me to Olive Garden. We had part of a gift card, a coupon and some gift money to use, so we came out pretty good. They were crazily busy but a meal there is always worth the wait!. Our waiter sang us an Italian love song. Turns out he sings opera. It was beautiful!

I had planned to cook a nice steak dinner for us at home for Valentine's day. Since we went out, I moved the meal to one night this week. It will be just as special then. After all, Valentine's isn't the only day to do special things!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

On my bedside table:
--February'09 Country Home magazine
--Two Yada Yada Prayer Group books from the library. Why do I bother to borrow these? I can't seem to get into them. Too many details.:-)

On my TV:
--Super Why

On the menu for tonight:
--Garlic-butter spaghetti with chicken; salad

On my To Do List:
--Clean kitchen
--Spray paint planters

New Recipe I tried last week:
--Sweet Potato Waffles from Taste of Home. These were okay. I doubt that I'll be making them too often, though.
--Soaked Whole Grain Tortillas. Yum!

In the craft basket:
--crayon pouches
--valentines for my husband

Looking forward to:
--Planting some seeds this week.
--Valentines Day!

Homemaking Tip for this week:
We rented the Rug Doctor(carpet cleaning machine) to clean our carpets this weekend instead of having them done professionally. It was an easy process and we're happy with the results. The best part? We saved $40 to $50 dollars by doing the carpets ourselves.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Simplifying:Buying Less and Giving More

Favorite photo from last week:

Seeds to plant outside this week!

Lesson learned the past few days:
Training to run a 5k hurts!

On my Prayer List:
--my husband
--clear direction for Andy and I for the future
--our nation and new President

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

In reading through the book of Ephesians this week, these verses stood out to me as Extreme Makeover: God Edition.

Ephesians 4:22-24:
"You were put off your old be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

Thanks to Sandra for hosting Happy Homemaker Monday!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Want to Grow This Year

It's February and I'm ready to start gardening! Here in the South, we can start cool weather seeds and plants such as peas, lettuce, and lettuce early. I need to buy seeds!

Between using pots and containers, my small garden here, and gardening with friends, here's a list of 13 things I'd like to grow this year:





5)green onions


7)leaf lettuce(a couple kinds)


9)green and red peppers




13)green beans

Do you have the gardening fever yet? What do you want to grow this year?

**This post is part of Thursday Thirteen!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

It's Wednesday again and time to track my progress on the weight loss/fitness/healthy lifestyle front.

I've not done well with staying away from the carbs so I'm adding them back into my diet in limited amounts. I'm focusing more on portion control and not getting so hungry that I over eat.

I'm still doing pretty well with drinking enough water. Some days I do better than others but overall, this is good..

A.Little.Old. Lady. That's what I feel like since I'm now running a lot more than walking as I've now reached week 6 in my 8 week program to getting started with running. My muscles are certainly getting a workout! I told Andy that even though this is difficult, I don't want to stop now because then I'd have to start all this over later. I've been aiming for running 5 times a week(which I have been able to do) and taking a break and walking instead on Mondays and Fridays.

Why am I not losing weight with all this exercise and watching what I eat?!?

I pulled out my old jeans to do some painting yesterday. I know they are a looser cut than my current jeans, but I don't ever remember them being quite this loose!

Plans for next week:
Continue on, trying not to be discouraged over the lack of weight loss.It would be easy to get off the wagon about now.

Weight Loss:
None again! I'm losing some inches here and there as some of my clothes fit a little looser now, so hopefully...

**This post is part of Weigh-in Wednesday.

Works For Me Wednesday: Updated Cleaning Schedule

I love having a cleaning schedule. Over the past few years with doing childcare in my home, I've found that cleaning one room a day works a whole lot better than trying to clean the entire house one day a week on "cleaning day".

Lately though, my schedule hasn't worked for me. If I didn't get to the room of the day early in the morning before the kids got here, most likely I wouldn't get to it at all.

This meant that I was spending my day off on Friday cleaning all day. Except that I often have to run errands on Friday so I'd push the cleaning to Saturday. And if we are busy that day, well...let's try again next week!

Obviously, it wasn't working for me. But after carefully looking at it, I realized that I needed to make cleaning a little each day part of my routine again. Because this is the best option for my schedule right now.

I revised the schedule putting tasks together to make it a bit more streamlined. For example, previously I cleaned the bedroom one day and the living and dining rooms the next. All rooms are fairly small and I basically just dust and vacuum in each one so it makes sense to do them together. Adding the bedroom to the same day as the other two rooms makes about an additional ten minutes. That works!

One thing I'll have to work on is being more flexible. Such as doing a bit here and there if that's all I can do. Such as mopping the bathroom floor during nap time if I just didn't get to that in the morning. Or finishing up the cleaning as soon as the kids leave for the day like I did yesterday with the bedroom dusting. The trick is to be consistent with doing something rather than skipping it all since I don't have a block of time to do it all right now.

I have a regular morning routine that is very helpful. This includes sweeping and vacuuming all floors, general clean-up, emptying the dishwasher,fixing the bed, etc. So even if I don't get the cleaning done every day, the house still stays pretty neat-looking!

So far this new and improved cleaning schedule is working for me.

--laundry (wash sheets every two weeks)
--clean kitchen and laundry room

--dust and vacuum bedroom, living room and dining room

--clean bathroom
--change towels
--water plants

--clean office
--menu plan
--grocery list on shopping weeks
--one deep cleaning or organizing project

--errand day
--catch-up or special projects if at home
--wash mirrors and windows(especially those at toddler and dog height)

A very specific new and improved cleaning schedule: this works for me!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Cooking Day

I love having meals and different meal components cooked and ready in the freezer for quick meals. That doesn't happen automatically, though. I often cook and bake double or triple what I need so that I have extras all ready to go.

I wrote about nap time freezer cooking in December. This is where I prepare some foods for the freezer while my childcare kids nap. While I haven't gotten around to doing it again since that first time, I still want to make this a habit. But with ever-changing nap schedules and just not planning ahead, it hasn't happened yet this year. It will, though!

This past Saturday, I declared a cooking day and cooked up a bunch of stuff for the freezer. Most foods were not completed entrees but different foods being prepared so that it will be easy to throw a meal together.

Here was my list for the morning:
1)cook ground beef
2)cook brown rice
3)spinach quiche
4)mash leftover sweet potatoes
5)cook three kinds of beans-kidney, chickpeas and white/navy beans
6)chop ham off ham bone from earlier in the week
7)make sweet potato waffles
8)boil eggs
9)make split pea soup in crock pot with ham bone

I started the night before by soaking the beans. That way, they were ready to cook first thing! While the beans cooked, I worked on the other prep, ending with baking the rice and quiches at the same time.

It took me about 3 hours from start to finish, plus extra cooling and packaging time. I decided against making the waffles since I already had the crock pot using the only outlet in the kitchen and I still have several breakfast baked goods still in the freezer. I put the waffles on this week's menu-the sweet potatoes are already mashed and ready to go!

Here's the fruits of my labor:

--2 crustless spinach and ham quiches(completely baked; just need to be thawed and heated)
--4 (3/4 lb.) bags of cooked ground beef
--2 (1 cup) bags mashed sweet potatoes
--2 (2 cup) bags chickpeas
--5 (1 cup) bags navy beans
--5 (1 cup)bags kidney beans
--4 (2 cup) bags brown rice
--1 dozen hard-boiled eggs(8 for deviled eggs for Sunday's party and the rest for creamed eggs this week.)
--1 pot split pea soup with ham(We ate this for dinner plus there's enough for at least 2 lunches this week.)
--1 1/2 cups chopped ham (1/2 cup for each quiche and 1/2 cup to cook with black-eyed peas this week.)

I love having all this food prepared and at my disposal for the next few weeks. Spending a day or even a half day cooking can make meal prep so much easier!

For more kitchen tips, please visit Tammy's Recipes each Tuesday!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I looked through my pantry, freezer and fridge to plan meals for the week.

Hence, we proudly present this week's menu! (I thought it would be fun to use the word hence.)

Breakfast- the most important meal of the day:

M-banana carrot muffins,pineapple smoothie
T-baked oatmeal
W-baked oatmeal again
Th-baked oatmeal still
F-fried egg sandwiches, fruit
S-cold cereal, fruit

Lunch-The second most important meal of the day:

M-split pea soup, leftover nachos
T-cabbage salad with chicken, oranges, green pepper and whatever else suits my fancy
W-split pea soup, crackers
F-leftovers or peanut butter sandwiches

Dinner- the third most important meal of the day:

S-Super Bowl Party: I took deviled eggs and nachos.
M-dinner at meeting
T-creamed eggs on toast, steamed veggies
W-sausage and cabbage skillet dinner, brown rice, applesauce
Th-black-eyed peas with ham, corn muffins, applesauce, salad
F-lasagna soup, garlic bread, salad
S-sweet potato waffles, scrambled eggs

For more, actually about 500 more menus, please visit Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday!