
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Want to Grow This Year

It's February and I'm ready to start gardening! Here in the South, we can start cool weather seeds and plants such as peas, lettuce, and lettuce early. I need to buy seeds!

Between using pots and containers, my small garden here, and gardening with friends, here's a list of 13 things I'd like to grow this year:





5)green onions


7)leaf lettuce(a couple kinds)


9)green and red peppers




13)green beans

Do you have the gardening fever yet? What do you want to grow this year?

**This post is part of Thursday Thirteen!


  1. I *need* to be planning my garden - but something else always comes along and fills my day! I want to add some herbs as well - lettuce, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, green beans and pumpkins are among the things I want to try.

    Great list!

  2. This weekend will be a good time to clean out my raised beds and get the early stuff planted. Its supposed to be mid-60's here in the Greenville area!
    I'm planting 2 kinds of peas, several kinds of radishes, green onions, kale, kohl rabi, carrots, several kinds of lettuce....Also, its time to start some herbs inside. I won't start the peppers or tomatoes until the beginning of March. Yum!!

  3. I'd love to try to container garden. I need help though as I've never done it before. Hints?

  4. I did a little gardening for the very first time last year and had moderate success with it-- I just grew broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes. This year, I want to expand that to include some lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, cauliflower, and some herbs too. It's still way too cold here in Indiana to think about it too much, but I'm excited for Spring!

  5. All good things! I have mine planned out and am working the soil to get it all ready. Can't wait to get my hands dirty.

  6. I love your list! We've been thinking towards our garden too.
    Have you ever tried seed tape? It's a little more costly than a packet of seeds (and I know there is a way to make it yourself...maybe a project in the next week or two here), but it's VERY worth the cost. It made planting so easy last year and almost very seed sprouted. We've bought some for our lettuce this year and planted it yesterday.

    Good luck with your garden!



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~Mary Ann