
Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

On my bedside table:
--The Many Loves of Marriage by Thomas and Nanette Kinkade. This was a $1 yard sale find from this past weekend!

On my TV:
--Super Why! at noon for the kiddos

On the menu for tonight:
--eat at church meeting. I'm taking corn bread.

On my To Do List:
--clean kitchen
--clip and sort coupons
--work on upcoming blog posts during nap time

New Recipe I tried last week:
--chocolate pizza from the newest Taste of Home magazine-Yum!

In the craft basket:
--felt pieces for flannel board

Looking forward to:
--a quieter week

Homemaking Tip for this week:
--If you use whole milk, you can dilute it with water for cooking. I dilute it almost 50/50 and it works fine. This stretches your gallon of milk and saves a bit of money.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Pedestals at The Homespun Heart

Favorite photo from last week:

Sorry, no picture this week. I really need to do better in using my camera!

Lesson learned the past few days:
Washing whites with a dark blue item will cause socks to turn blue! Duh!

On my Prayer List:
--my husband

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

Isaiah 26:3:
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

Thought to go with this verse:
"Your focus will become your reality." Instead of focusing on negative thoughts, finances, our poor economy and so on, I want to focus on Jesus Christ. I want that perfect peace the Scripture speaks of here!

Thanks to Sandra for hosting Happy Homemaker Monday!


  1. LOL I've learned that lesson a couple of times too.

    I enjoyed reading your entry :)

  2. I usually end up with pink in stead of blue.
    I liked your entry.

  3. We usually end up with pink. I enjoyed your post. Have a great week.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for your prayer support. Your verse is one I will meditate on today. We need our minds to be steadfast - only then can we really enjoy God's peace.
    Bless your heart today and for the week!!


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~Mary Ann