
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Still Works For Me?

Sometimes I read through my blog archives and I am slightly amused at some of the things that I've posted about. This blog is clearly a running diary or journal of the happenings of my life. Maybe I don't write about what happens every day, but there is a rambling pattern of phases, stages and what has been and is important to me.

Then there are my Works For Me Wednesday posts where I tell the w.w.w.(whole wide world) about something that works so well for me. I read some of these and think, "Oh boy, do I need to update this one!"

So today, I'm sharing a round-up of some of my oldest WFMW posts that still really work for me.

What Still Works For Me:

--Stamps in my mailbox. This is the best! I put my order out with the mail and like magic, the stamps appear within a few days.

--Keeping my tithe money in my Bible.

--Having birthday cards ready. Which reminds me. I haven't done this year's yet!We only have one family birthday between January and March so I'm really still ok!

--Using a binder for bill-paying.About a year ago, I thought perhaps I should look into some other more tech-savvy ways to keep track of my bills, but I quickly came back to this simple method. This works for me right now!

Don't forget that Works For Me Wednesday has a new home. It can now be found every Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.


  1. Good Morning Mrs. Mary Ann! I wanted to let you know that I'm passing you the Kreativ Blog Award for being a Creative and Inspiring blogger to so many. : )
    Details are over at my site!


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~Mary Ann