
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday

Another weigh-in Wednesday! Let's see how I did this past week...

Not so good. Valentine's Day and hormones had me snacking on as many sweets as I could find! I also made and ate way too many sugar cookies for Valentine's Day.I think I ate more sugar last week than I have in all of 2009 so far. Not good, not good.

I was doing really well on drinking enough water, but have gotten off track in the last few weeks.

The running is going well. It is a lot of work! Now that I am running longer distances(20 minutes this week), I'm having a lot of trouble with stiffness and soreness in my knee. My first thought was that the muscles are getting a workout. And they are, but it appears that it may be something more than that. I'm hoping that it will go away soon!

I'm doing well with portion control at meals.

Staying away from the sweets!

Plans for next week:
Up my water intake.
Concentrate on more veggies.
Stay away from the sweets!

I lost 1 pound this week. Yeah! If you have been following these updates, you will know that I hadn't lost any weight in the 8 weeks that I've been exercising and watching what I eat. So let's all do a happy dance! I dropped one pound even with eating Girl Scout cookies, Valentine cookies and banana cake! Not that I should try another week like that....:-)

**This post is part of Happy To Be At Home's Weigh-In Wednesday.

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