
Monday, May 24, 2010


Since I did a two week menu last week (which by the way is working out great!), I didn't have the need to do my usual Menu Plan Monday post today.

Therefore, I needed to come up with something else to post! Since I have a number of small things to report, I thought this would be a good day for random.

1. First of all, I'd like to welcome new readers! I've noticed that my subscribers and followers have steadily  increased in the past month or so. I'm thankful for all who read and comment and honored that you would choose to visit my little home here. Even though I'm not always able to respond to every comment, know that I do read and appreciate each one of them. Thanks!

2. We were blessed to host my mother and father in law and my husband's aunt and uncle for dinner on Friday night. They had all come to town for the All Star Race so we were glad to have them stop by!

3. I attended an area Women's Conference on Saturday night. What a  wonderful and refreshing night of worship and revival! The speakers were amazing and delivered the messages that the Holy Spirit directed for them to give. Many women (and a few men) were set free from bondage and lives were changed. Praise the Lord!

4. We are still planning to move and are continuing to look for a suitable house to rent. We've looked at several houses so far and have a few more prospects to look into this week. I've begun packing so we'll be ready when the time comes. Your prayers are appreciated as we discern where exactly God would have us to live. Our current house will soon be put on the market; the realtor was by the other night to see the house.

5. I've caught whatever my husband has had for the past two weeks. How nice of him to share! My voice is very hoarse and my throat very sore. I slowed down and tried to rest a bit more than usual today since my energy is a bit lower than normal. This is my chance to take Mucinex and try all the home remedies I've practiced on him. ;-)

Thanks for visiting today and I pray that each one of you will experience God's peace and presence in your lives this week!


  1. I'll be praying for you about your move, and that you'll be feeling better soon! :)

  2. I hope you feel better soon. I will say a prayer for that and for God's direction for where you are to live next. Thanks for that blessing at the end of your post too! :)

  3. I'm sorry you are sick. I had an extremely sore throat last week and here's what cured it: hot tea with honey and lemon.

    Praying for you in your house-hunting!

  4. Sorry to hear you're sick, hoping you both feel 100%, here soon.

    I'll be thinking of you (and praying) as you make plans to move. It's an exciting time and emotionally exhausting. Isn't it?



Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love getting comments and feedback from my readers and appreciate you taking the time to let me know that you stopped by!

~Mary Ann