
Monday, April 16, 2018

Catch-Up Week: Day 1

As I mentioned earlier today, my goal for this week is to catch up on housekeeping after a very hectic week last week.

I work half-days outside the home right now, so my home hours are limited and a bit split up over the course of the day. With careful diligence though, I am able to keep things in some semblance of order.

This morning, I planned to work around the house before going to work but that changed yesterday when Andy discovered an adult trike for sale on Craigslist. It turned out that we could go look at it this morning--on the other side of Charlotte.

He has been looking for a trike for a long time and had the cash put aside. Because of some physical challenges, he has never been able to ride a traditional bicycle. The trike he found was nearly brand new and was at least half of the price he was expecting to spend (based on others we had seen listed).

So we headed up the interstate, looked at the trike, bought it and brought it home. He is so happy with it and with a couple minor modifications, should be a good fit for him. I hope it works out great for him!

"When I recover from surgery, I want to go to Captain D's", said Andy after his big surgery last August. 

So we stopped there for lunch on the way home today. Our town doesn't have a Captain D's so we waited until we were near one. Andy had been waiting for this for 7+ months! #Goals #WeDon'tGetOutMuch #Finally

By the time we got home, it was time for me to go to work.

This evening, I've been able to do a few things:
  • Emptied trash cans.
  • Emptied compost bucket.
  • Put a few things away that were setting out where they didn't belong. 
  • Brought potted plants in from outside as we expect a frost tonight--in April!
  • Jotted down a 2 week menu plan and grocery list so I can get groceries tomorrow. 
  • Finished a library book!
 I'm trying a 2 week shopping trip this time. 

It's been a good day! 

What did you accomplish today?

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome you were able to find the trike! they look like so much fun to ride. Since it was Patriot's Day - (state holiday in New England) - I had a nice paid day off - I washed floors, vacuumed, did laundry, dusted, washed down some cabinets.


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~Mary Ann