
Monday, April 16, 2018

A Week Of Catch-Up

Last week was crazy!

The first two days started out pretty good then from Wednesday on, my days rather hectic. I worked a full day on Wednesday then between Thursday-Saturday, the dog had his yearly vet appointment, I had a special baking order to fill (I have a small baking business on the side.), we had a yard sale and this month I am teaching the children at church so I needed to prepare my lesson for Sunday.

I was tempted to postpone the yard sale but we had already postponed it for at least three weeks due to cold and rainy weather. The forecast for this past Saturday was perfect so we forged ahead with our plans even though it was a little nuts. Sometimes that is just what you need to do! We had the yard sale, it was successful, now it is over!

Yard sales are almost always worth it to me. We live in a great location for it so all I have to do is set our stuff out on tables in the driveway, put some signs out by the main road and we get traffic as long as the signs are out. Early spring before the South Carolina humidity sets in is the best time for our sales. It seems like people buy more when yard sale season is just beginning!

Anyway, we sold at least 75% of our stuff and the rest went right to our community thrift store!

Sunday was filled with church and getting ready to go to a surprise 50th birthday party for one of our dearest friends. It was a full but good day.

Now I'm ready for a week with more down time and some serious housework! Time to get back on track!

I always love reading about what other homemakers do on ordinary days at home, so I'll be posting this week about my progress.

Talk to you again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Selling 75% of your yard sale stock is wonderful! I’m happy for you.


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