
Monday, April 10, 2017

Weekend and Monday Happenings

Thanks to all who left comments on my last post. I certainly appreciate the encouragement and prayers!

Andy was scheduled to start his first week of chemo today but because the cancer center will be closed on Good Friday, his first week was postponed to next week (17th) instead. The first week of each cycle is five full days so a four day week would not do. So we have one more week before chemo starts!

Andy's parents came last Wednesday for a visit and stayed through the weekend. We had a good time together. 

Andy's dad ended up at the ER on Friday morning with chest pains/pressure. He was tested and observed all day but nothing showed up as being wrong. He has scheduled a doctor appointment with a cardiologist back home for follow-up and a stress test. We are glad he seems to be ok! 

Our toaster oven gave it up this weekend so I toasted bread on the griddle this morning. It worked great! We don't make toast that often and the toaster oven doesn't see a whole lot of use on a regular basis so I think I'll wait and see how it goes without a toaster for a little while rather than rushing out to buy a new one. 

I had a trunk of donations to take to our favorite thrift store on Saturday so my  mother-in-law and I went on a little thrifting trip! According to my husband,  it is the "circle of life" to drop things off at the thrift store then go in and buy more. LOL! 

Sometimes I find nothing but on this trip I found this nice pair of Sketcher's shoes for $4, a cookbook and a craft book for 50 cents and two cute glass storage bowls with lids for $3. 

The yellow bowl already has food in it! (My food. Not the thrift store's. Hahaha)

I really like Mollie Katzen's cookbooks-- they are pretty and fun to read. The craft book has patchwork projects that use scraps. I thought these would be fun to peruse!

Today, I made new foods out of some leftovers from the weekend. The leftover sausage and roasted veggies from this sheet pan dinner was made into a rice salad. Leftover roast beef, potatoes, carrots and gravy was made into a pot pie. I used this recipe for an almond flour crust which turned out really good. 

Jeremiah 29:11 has been a favorite verse of late. I found this burlap canvas board for 50 cents at a yard sale recently. Using white paint and a black Sharpie marker I already had, I copied an idea I found via Pinterest to make this sign. It's quite imperfect but I love it! 

I hope you have a great week! 


  1. Hi - I wanted to share with you my husband's own journey with cancer. In july 2016 he was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcianoma (spelling) - after going to doctor with swollen lymph node in neck. The cancer started in the tonsils - my husband had them removed on august 9th. Because the tumor in my husband's neck was so large - they did not remove it. My husband had the three chemo treatments - three weeks apart - he had a chemo pump too - for four days after the seven hour chemo treatment. He had chemo in sept, oct, nov - then the next CT to see what was left of cancer -- the CT scan came back -- No Evidence of Disease ! No cancer left ! To "sterilize" the area - my husband had six weeks of daily radiation and weekly chemo. Next set of CT scans - No Cancer! My husband had a follow up CT scan in FEB (2017) - No Cancer! Next CT scan is in May. The chemo made my husband very sick - as did the radiation - my husband lost 50 pounds, could not eat and was so stubburn! he refused the feeding was very tough - he lost all his hair, facial hair - it is growing back now. He has "burn marks" from the radiation to his neck, he lost his hearing due to the first three rounds of the initial chemo - he hears terrible sounds in his head due to that - like sirens. They wont know if this is permanent for a year or two. So he is suffering, but recovering and is CANCER FREE! We used the Dana Farber Cancer Center out of Boston, MA. I am praying for your Andy - and for you too.

  2. Hi there,
    Hope Andy is coping well with his treatment so far. Remembering you both in my prayers.
    Love and hugs from Ireland,


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~Mary Ann