
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Insight From Scripture: 1 Peter 4

1 Peter 4: 

What jumps out? 
Verse 10-11: " Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others , faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

Several things stood out to me here:
**Everyone has received a gift.
**My gifts and talents are not just for my benefit but meant to be used to serve others.
**Stewardship-- we are commanded to use our gifts and not waste them.
** When we use our gifts and talents in the way God intended, they become an avenue of sharing God's grace  and bringing praise and glory to God.

Any gifts and talents I have are not meant to be kept to myself but to be used to serve others. Ask God to give me opportunities to use the gifts He's blessed me with!

This also applies to blogging! :-)

Area of development:
**Growing my faith.
**Passing the hope of Christ to others.

Today's prayer:
Help me to see where my gifts and talents are most useful and to use them to their fullest potential so that the body of Christ will be edified and that God may be praised! Amen.

**Care to join me this week? Read 1 Peter 4 and share your insights in the comments! If you'd like to post your insights on your blog, just leave a link to that post in the comments of this one.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, Mary Ann!

    From 1 Peter 4, the verses that really resonated me foremost were 7-10. 7 because I'm continually being reminded that my days are numbered and that I need to make the most of each day. 8 because I've realized there is no time for me to get bitter or be unforgiving about things in my life ~ these are hindrances to allow me to be able to perform verses 9-10. I love 9 and this is something I really strive for each day. The Lord has blessed me over the past few years with many godly examples of this lived out (including blogging friends such as yourself!). =) Just yesterday, my oldest son and I were talking about verse 10 as we discovered a new gift the Lord has given him! He was excited, and it had me thinking of how I can use and recognize more of the gifts I've been given for His glory and the good of others.

    Verses 12-14 were especially meaningful yesterday morning as I had been feeling overwhelmed in a trial the day before ~ and this was a refreshing reminder that Christ is with me and went before me to make a place for me with Him for eternity!

    Thanks for sharing your insight! Love your application and areas of development ~ I share those with you! Blessings sweet friend, Katie


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~Mary Ann