
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God Is So Kind Like That

I went to the grocery store about a week and a half ago to purchase a frozen turkey which was on sale for $.59 a pound. That's a really great price for meat and I knew I could stretch a turkey really far!

But, alas, the store was completely sold out of turkeys. Since it was a special "While supplies last" sale, I couldn't get a rain check.

I was a little disappointed but knew I had some meat in the freezer at home and that good deals would come around again, so I got the rest of my groceries and headed home.

A few days later, out of the blue, a friend asked me if I would like a frozen turkey, since they'd overbought at some point when they were on sale and were trying to get rid of them.

"Why yes!" I said, "I'd love to take one off your hands!"

They got it out of the freezer and presented me with a 25 pound turkey. Yes, 25 pounds!

I'd totally forgotten about the turkey I'd wanted to buy a few days prior, but was quickly reminded when they handed the big guy to me.

You see, God knew that I wouldn't have to buy a turkey because He had already provided one for me. And a much bigger one at that!

God is so kind like that!


  1. What a great story!
    Yes, God is so kind like that. :)

  2. God is so very good and creative! He knows our needs before we do! Thanks for sharing.

  3. He is so good. I love how he works in these tiny areas of life that no one else would care about, but he cares.

  4. You are so deserving - the sweetest person!


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~Mary Ann