
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our Crazy Summer

Where has the summer gone?

It's almost the middle of August which means it's almost back-to-school time around here. Summer is almost over!

I still think that school shouldn't start until after Labor Day, but then what do I know? 

This has been a crazy busy summer for us. We've moved, my parents were here to visit for the better part of July, we took them to a family reunion in Florida, Andy's friend was very ill and then passed away, I started a new childcare job last week...

Life has been crazy but hopefully it's settling down a bit. Maybe....

In the meantime... I have 50 pounds of peaches to can and freeze. We're getting some new-to-us furniture and home furnishings tomorrow. More on those things later!

Great news... We just got our first utility bill for our new house the other day. It was for two months instead of one because of when we switched it over. We were almost too scared to open the envelope but surprise, surprise!!! The first two months at the new house was the same amount as one month at the old house. Yeah! If this keeps up, the extra $100 we are paying in rent will be totally worth it. :-)

What have you been up to this summer? Do you feel like it's been a crazy one, too?


  1. Glad YOUR electricity bill was lower, we have had the AC on a lot (not as much as many others, that have it on from May 'til Sept.) and I almost fell when I saw the amount. I have been thinking about an electricty challenge again when my son leaves for college, think I will share on my next post.....

  2. Yes, summer is always kind of crazy to me. I like Fall and winter better! Hope yours continues to settle down. :o)

  3. I agree, where has this year gone? I also canned peaches. One word - yum... next we'll be posting winter pictures. Hopefully not soon.

  4. We are having a crazy summer too!!! I have really learned how to be thankful in more situations.

  5. Congrats on the peaches and the lower utility bills!! Both are major accomplishments!! :)
    Summer has been a blur this year - I feel like I've spent the entire summer with a tennis racket or a steering wheel in my hands. I know these hectic days will be over way too soon and we'll have way too much "peace and quiet" and I'll look back and miss the "go, go, go" days...
    Gotta agree with you about starting school right after labor day - this starting in the middle of August is a pain!!!


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~Mary Ann