
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Memory of Scott Adams

As most of my regular readers know, one of Andy's best friends from the college days passed away last week after battling colon cancer for less than a year.

Scott Adams was 34. He left behind his lovely wife, Heather and 4 young sons ages 7,5,4 and 5 months. He loved the Lord and was a pastor with strong evangelistic giftings.

Although I didn't know him that well, he had a very unique personality and was one of those people that you never forget. He was known as a bit of a control freak and a planner and never sat still.

His brother shared at the funeral that around the first of July, right after they had made the decision to stop the chemo, Scott announced one afternoon that he was going to go down to the funeral home to "try out some caskets." We all laughed because it was just so Scott! I believe his family managed to talk him out of it, but still!

Every part of his funeral was planned with the order of service handwritten, signed and dated  by him. True to character, he even had the last word when at the end a video was shown with Pastor Scott addressing his congregation for the last time from his Hospice bed.

But the true testimony to Scott's life came at the graveside service on Sunday when 14 people accepted Jesus into their hearts. Yes, 14!  It was so awesome! Heather was just beaming while this was happening. Scott would've been so thrilled.

Scott and Andy became friends in college when Scott joined a Southern Gospel singing group that Andy was a part of. The group disbanded in 1997 but Scott and Andy would still get together to sing from time to time. Scott's diagnosis was the catalyst that finally brought the whole group back together for a "reunion concert" in January. He was a wonderful singer and thoroughly loved getting together again for that evening. He was so weak from chemo treatments that night and was totally wiped out by the end but he had so much fun and could hardly quit!
The group together after their reunion  concert at Scott's church in January 2010. 
From left to right: Scott, Eric, Chan and Andy.
Please continue to keep Heather and her boys in your prayers as they walk through this difficult time. As you can imagine, Heather is absolutely exhausted and completely worn out from this tragedy and needs rest and time to process all that has taken place. She and the boys will be moving to be near to her parents where she will have their help and support.

Thirty-four seems so young. In fact, I think this may be the first funeral I've attended where the person who died was the same age as me.  Makes you think, you know?

Scott will be missed. But we know he would want us to celebrate his life and that he is now free of pain and disease(he also had cerebral palsy) and is running down the streets of gold and singing praises to the Lord like never before.


  1. Wow! What does one say after reading about such a wonderful man of God like Scott.

    I will keep Heather and their children in my prayers, she has a tough road ahead but I am sure she know that she will not be alone, she knows whose Footprints are in the sand.....

  2. This was a beautiful tribute to your friend and his faith in Christ. I will be praying for his wife and children.

  3. Mary Ann, Thank you for sharing so much about Scott. I have heard a lot about him over this past year so it was nice to read this special tribute and to see a face to the name. So very young - but what a blessing to have 14 souls saved as yours goes home!!! Okay. So now I am crying. It is just so awesome. I have told several people about it ever since I heard of what happened. So Scotts testimony lives on and will touch many lives. What a testimony you and Andy will have to share on Sunday!!!


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~Mary Ann