
Monday, March 15, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

This will be a short cooking week for me since I'm heading out for a women's retreat with the ladies from my church later this week. Looking forward to it!

In preparation for  leaving, I'll be spending a few hours in the kitchen tomorrow making some pizzas, baking bread and cookies and preparing a few foods such as yogurt and hard-boiled eggs that will be ready for Andy to eat while I'm gone. I need to bake bread anyways since we've eaten all but the last loaf of bread from my baking day 2 weeks ago.

I did have a moment of panic this morning when I took the last loaf out of the freezer. "Have we, a family of 2 people, really consumed 5 loaves of bread in 2 weeks time?" That's  a lot of bread! Then I remembered that I'd given two loaves away so I'm breathing easier. Whew! Just starting the 3rd loaf at the 2 week mark isn't so bad-one loaf a week.

To add a twist to my meal planning, Andy and I both decided to actively pursue some weight loss by using SparkPeople. We both signed up and have been at it for almost a week now. Even though our caloric needs and  pounds to shed are different, it's fun to work together towards the same goal. We motivate each other! I can't seem to get him to run with me, though. :-)

SparkPeople does have some yummy sounding recipes that I'd like to try but because this is a rather busy week, I'm sticking to the simple stuff. Maybe next week, I'll add a couple new recipes or meal ideas. 

This week's menu:

oatmeal (2x)
eggs and toast, sauteed green peppers, mushrooms and onions (2x)
banana muffins


Monday: White chicken chili with shredded cheese, salad, bread
Tuesday: Chicken stir-fry with broccoli, carrots and cauliflower blend, brown rice
Wednesday: BBQ pork ribs(crockpot), mashed potatoes, salad
Thursday through Sunday:  I'm out of town; husband's on his own. :-)

For more menu-planning inspiration, check out Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday!

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