
Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather in my neck of my woods:
--Relatively clear and very warm!

A simple pleasure I enjoy:
--fresh-picked blueberries

On my bedside table:
--Still finishing some books from last week and need to go to the library!

On my TV:
--Other than Super Why or Veggie Tales for the kiddos or a little Fox News, I really don't watch much TV, especially on Mondays.

On the menu for tonight:
--Eating at a church meeting. I'm taking blueberry cobbler.

On my to-do list:
For this week:
--Finish material for coupon class.
--Freeze peaches and blueberries.
--Bake bread.
--Weed garden and plant some more beans and possibly some fall crops.

New recipe I tried last week:
--Nothing new this week!

In my craft basket:
--Still need to work on finishing my skirt.

Looking forward to:
--A fun weekend of picnics, fellowship, swimming and a baptism with our church family.

Homemaking tip for the week:
--Make room for little splurges and touches of beauty in your budget. I saw the most beautiful sunflowers at the farmer's market this weekend. I bought 2 of them and they are so cheerful and fun to look at. At $1 a stem, this is an inexpensive simple pleasure.

Favorite blog post for this week(mine or other):
--I've been enjoying the Mommy,Come Home series at The Finer Things In Life.

Favorite photo from the week:

The blueberries we picked last Friday!
Lesson learned the past few days:
--When out in the sun for more than a few minutes, pack water and sunscreen. We went out blueberry picking last Friday and I foolishly didn't bring either. The water situation was easily remedied; the sunburn not so much. Ouch! On my list for this weekend: plenty of water, sunscreen and a hat!

On my prayer list:
--my husband
--our church fellowships
--opportunities to pass the hope of Christ on to others

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." II Timothy 2:20 &21

This stood out to me this week because of the hope in Christ Jesus that is there for each person. Each person can be a a useful instrument for noble purposes!

These verses also remind me of my significance to God. He has made me holy and useful to Him! I pray that these simple words will encourage someone today. As you allow Christ to cleanse you, you also are made holy and useful to the Master, prepared for every good work He calls you to do!

**Thanks to Sandra for hosting Happy Homemaker Mondays!


  1. The blueberries look scrumptious. . . what I wouldn't give to be in Oregon picking some right now. . .

  2. I agree that the blueberries look great!

  3. I love church meetings we all always try to bring something delicious

  4. The blueberries have been so yummy! Makes me feel rich to have such delicious fresh fruit to munch on. I wish you all were here, I'd love to serve fresh blueberry cobbler to all of you.:-)

    Thanks everyone, for commenting!


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~Mary Ann