
Monday, March 23, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

This will be a quick and pretty easy menu planning week. First off, I'm going to a women's retreat this next weekend so I won't be here to cook! Second, we are getting to the end of the month and the variety is getting low in the pantry, freezer and especially the produce drawer of the refrigerator.

Last week turned out pretty crazy. We had a lot planned and I had forgotten much of it when I made our menu plan. For instance, we had planned to drive 2 hours Wednesday night to witness some friend's missionary commissioning. I had planned chicken salad sandwiches for that night but we didn't want to to eat those in the car on the way with our dress clothes on. So we had the leftover chicken for lunch that day instead and I made some simple wraps with lunch meat, cheese and tortillas for dinner on the go. Lunches were switched around a lot this week and I had more leftovers than I thought to begin the week. Having a menu plan is so helpful but certainly not written in stone. Most weeks I follow my menu plan to the letter because that works for me. Other weeks, like this past week, it is used as a guide.

B-eating with our church fellowship. I took bacon and biscuits.
L-We were stuffed from a carb-heavy brunch!
D-church meeting. I took broccoli-cheese casserole.

To do: make meatballs for freezer
B-oatmeal, fruit smoothie
D-baked potatoes(ground beef, cheese, sour cream), salad

B-scrambled eggs, toast, sliced apple
L-leftovers or peanut butter sandwiches
D-lemon-herb chicken, buttered pasta, steamed carrots

To do: bake brownies for retreat and to leave for husband:-)
B-oatmeal,fruit smoothie
L-pinto beans(from freezer), brown rice
D-salmon patties, homemade bread, steamed broccoli

B-scrambled eggs, toast, orange
L-sandwiches of some kind before I leave for the retreat

I will be at the retreat the rest of the week. Husband will be eating some freezer meals that I have specifically stored away for this time as well as eating out some.

For more meal planning inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie!

1 comment:

  1. Your menu looks great! I have salmon patties and homemade bread on mine this week too. :)

    Cindy @ Fenced in Family


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