
Monday, September 01, 2008

Menu Plan Mondays

Happy September and Labor Day!

Last week's menu went pretty much as planned. As usual, I swapped a meal out here and there. Sometimes that just happens!

On Wednesday, I really felt like trying a new recipe, so I made a Western Beef Casserole from the What Would Jesus Eat? cookbook. This was a concoction of ground beef(I used turkey), cooked beans, rice, tomatoes and cheese on top. It was good although not that great in my opinion. It could've used a whole lot more spices even though I added more than what the recipe called for. It made a big pan so we ate it for lunches most of the rest of the week. We found that it was quite tasty with some salsa and sour cream on top and would be good in burritos.

My neighbor gave me 4 eggplants from her garden as well as some tomatoes and pears they grew. How sweet of her! For Saturday night, I sliced the smallest eggplant and fried it until browned. Then I layered eggplant, marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese on sub rolls. I broiled them until melted and bubbly, then put the also browned sub roll tops on. Yummy Eggplant Subs! Very simple and extremely tasty!

For this week, I'm using up the rest of the eggplant. I'm focusing on keeping the menu pretty simple too. I was feeling a bit of "menu plan block" so I just started filling things in. That's when it's helpful to have the ingredients for your favorite meals on hand! My husband is so easy to please, that he is happy with about anything I plan (and cook). As long as there's some meat and a little variety, he's a happy camper.

Have a great week!

B-Breakfast potluck with our house church fellowship. I made orange ginger scones and a basket of hard-boiled eggs to share.
D-wraps with cream cheese and olive spread and various veggies

To do: salad prep, thaw ground beef for tomorrow, bake cookies, make pesto to freeze
B-egg burritos, apple slices
L-leftover sausage gravy and biscuits, bananas, carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes
D-Dinner with friends. I'm taking a salad.

To do: make a pot of spaghetti sauce for tonight's casserole and to freeze
B-leftover scones, fruit and yogurt smoothies
L-egg salad on croissants
D-Cheesy Eggplant Bake(I'm making this up as I go!), salad

To do: mix dry ingredients for muffins(make 4 batches of mix for easy prep later), assemble soup, thaw chicken for tomorrow.
B-grits, cheese,apple slices
D-turkey rice soup(using turkey, rice and broth from the freezer), corn muffins

To do: make tabouli, make spice mix for chicken, cut chicken in chunks
B-waffles, fruit
D-Israeli Spice chicken chunks, tabouli, steamed veggies

To do:make pizza crusts(freeze one), bake bread
B-omelets, toast, fruit
D-pesto pizza, fresh veggie sticks with dip

B-cereal, milk, fruit
D-hot dogs, pretzels, fresh veggie sticks with dip

For more inspiration, please visit Menu Planning Mondays!

1 comment:

  1. Mary Ann, I love how you put in your prep info ahead of each day - wonderful idea!


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~Mary Ann