
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

So My March Goals Really Didn't Happen

I knew life was speeding up but made some March goals anyways. Well, I really fell off the bandwagon!

But at the end of March, this happened...

With the judge on Adoption Day!
 Yes! ILONA JOY is officially ours!

We had planned all along that after our finalization hearing, we would host a big adoption celebration to thank our friends and family for all their support throughout our adoption process.

Not only did they pray, encourage and support our decision to adopt, but many also helped us to adopt by supporting us financially. Did I ever mention that we were able to meet our goal of adopting debt-free? It took a lot of prayers, faith, hard work, fundraisers and humbly accepting generous gifts but it happened! And it was so worth it!

ILONA at 4 months.

After our adoption was legally finalized, we got right to work planning our adoption party. We had right about 6 weeks to pull it off since we wanted to do it before graduation and summer activities got started. Also, it's already getting hot here in the South so we wanted to do it before the humidity really kicked in.

We had the party on May 4. It took a lot of my time and energy to pull off but it was a really fun day.

Now that the party is over, I'm getting back into the swing of things and taking care of tasks that got thrown by the wayside previously. ILONA is growing and changing so her previous routine needed some tweaking. In addition, Andy started a new full-time job this week, so this is the perfect time for all of us to settle into a new routine.

So that's what's been happening at my house! What are you up to these days? 


  1. How wonderful! You are truly blessed. Congratulations.

  2. It makes me super happy when I see your little family. I know the joy you all are feeling. Yay, for Andy's new job!

  3. Oh my Gosh - she is beautiful - congratulations mommy and daddy

  4. What a beautiful baby you have!! So happy for all of you. Like you, my son/wife adopted a precious little girl last June and she has brought so much joy into their lives. They live on the west coast but we will get to celebrate her first birthday with them. Praise God for the miracle of new life. Diane

  5. Wow!! How wonderful. I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations!!


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~Mary Ann