
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Catch-Up Week: Day 3

Hope everyone has had a good Wednesday!

I did three loads of laundry first thing. I've been hanging up most of our clothing to dry instead of running the dryer. I have a rod for clothes on hangers in the laundry room, then the rest go on two free-standing drying racks. I keep one of the drying racks in the tub of our guest bathroom! It's out of the way there and we don't use this room much on a regular basis. I also hang stuff on the shower curtain rod in there. We had an extra shower rod so I put that above the tub and I can hang laundry there too. Today I put the second drying rack in the guest bathroom too. As you can see, it was full but did the job!

We had a birthday luncheon for a coworker today so we all brought some kind of food to share. Another coworker and I did a fruit tray together as our contribution. She brought cantaloupe, pineapple and strawberries and I brought apples, grapes and fruit dip. I whipped up this "real food" fruit dip from Heavenly Homemakers. The bowl was scraped clean and the small amount I left at home for Andy to eat was also gone by evening! So I guess it was a hit. I have enough ingredients left to make another batch of fruit dip tomorrow as we have some leftover fruit to eat it with.

Other accomplishments today include:
  • Calling to cancel an appointment for next week. 
  • Placing an online order.
  • Vacuuming all the floors. 
  • Dusting.
  • Spending 10 minutes picking up trash around the house, including breaking down some cardboard boxes to go to dump tomorrow.
  • Organizing my shirt drawer--it was a mess but took just a few minutes to straighten it up again. 
  • Cooking a quick but healthy meal for dinner--baked fish, sauteed zucchini and mushrooms and steamed asparagus. I prepped the veggies this morning so getting dinner on the table tonight was super fast!
  • Making a batch of yogurt in the Instant Pot. 
 Willie isn't as impressed with vacuuming as I am.

Wednesday was productive! What did you do today?

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for a catch up week! We had a catch up DAY yesterday and it felt amazing!


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