
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

An Update On Our Family

Some of you have been asking how Andy is doing now. Thank you for asking!

If you saw the picture in this post, you can see that Andy is looking and feeling quite well! We are grateful to be past the 1 year mark of his diagnosis. And last week marked 1 year since he began chemo.
Easter Sunday 2018--The sun was a little bright! ;-)

All scans and blood work continue to come back clear and show no sign of cancer. There is still a very small nodule on his lungs that Andy's oncologist wants to have removed. It is highly unlikely that this nodule is cancerous since all other spots on his lungs disappeared with chemo and this nodule has not changed in size in over a year. The disadvantage of this spot is that it is quite small and located in a hard to reach area, thus making any biopsy nearly impossible unless it is removed. The thoracic surgeon was unsure if he could even find it when we consulted with him last fall. We want to meet with him again to see if his opinion has changed. It is up to us if we decide to go ahead with the surgery or continue with careful observation for the next 12 months.

We appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we make this decision.

In other news, long time readers will remember that we announced 3 years ago (exactly 3 years ago!) that we were in the adoption process to adopt a baby. We went through the homestudy process in 2015 and were approved as a waiting family in October 2015. Since then we have waited for The Call that we have been matched with an expectant mother who has chosen us to parent her child.

After Andy's cancer diagnosis in spring of 2017, we went on hold with the agency as Andy underwent chemo and various surgeries.

Our agency requires certain paperwork to be updated every 365 days so when we began to talk with our adoption worker about going back to active status, she sent us a new packet of paperwork to update. This included 3 doctor's reports, new income tax forms and proof that our dog is current on vaccinations, among other things. Everything had to be redone because of the time that we were doing the paperwork so this packet took WAY longer than any adoption paperwork we have done in the past!

But I'm happy to say that I finished with the paperwork on Monday and it is now en route to our agency. Woo Hoo!

Our adoption worker should be scheduling another home study visit with us soon and hopefully after that, we will once again be a waiting family. We hope to be matched soon!

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family!


  1. Great news on your husband's health issues! I wish you the best with the adoption process. You will make great parents!

  2. A post full of great news! I'm glad that Andy is doing well and am super happy with your adoption news. The wait is the hardest part!! Praying your paperwork is quickly reviewed and you are matched soon afterwards.


  3. So glad to hear about Andy's great news. I was a new reader to your blog last year and, along with others on this blog, was very concerned about his health. Like you and Andy, my son/wife are on a waiting list to adopt. After three years of infertility they now hope to give a precious new child a wonderful loving home. I pray that you will be able to welcome a new life into your arms before too long. Diane

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  5. Thank you for this update - I have wondered how Andy was doing as well! And of course if you were able to get re-activated on the placement list for adoption! So glad that things are settling back down for you guys and pray for God's perfect timing on bringing a child into your home! Love, Monica

  6. hello Mary Ann,
    wow so much has happened since i last visited. i'm glad Andy is doing well and that you are adopting! congrats!!!


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~Mary Ann