
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Post-Chemo Cancer Update

Andy had an appointment with the oncologist yesterday to discuss the results of his most recent CT scans. Basically, these scans were to show us whether or not the chemo had done its job!

We were happy to hear that the cancerous abdominal lymph glands had shrunk considerably in size. As expected, they have not shrunk to normal size so surgery to remove them is still in the near future.

Several other spots that were seen before on the lungs are not there now, which is good news. However, there is one spot that is questionable. It could be something but could also be nothing. The oncologist suggested possibly a PET scan to get a better look and see what is going on there. Because of how these scans are done, sometimes it is difficult to see things accurately.  He was going to discuss it further with the head of oncology and get back to us.

Andy is doing very well. His energy level continues to rise little by little and he is feeling more and more like himself. At this time, we haven't really noticed any lasting side effects from the chemo which we are grateful for. He does still have that dry cough but it doesn't seem to be as bad as it was.

Thank you for your prayers and support!


  1. Those are all good signs. I am praying for you.

  2. I was just wondering today how you were both doing - thanks for this update. I'm glad you have some encouraging news but I also realize it is not over yet. Lifting you up in prayer tonight, friend!

  3. I'm happy to hear Andy is doing well. I will continue to lift you both in prayer!

  4. Thank you for the update! My husband is a stage 4 cancer survivor - so I have been keeping your Andy in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep us updated when you can...I care.

  5. May God bless Andy with perfect health and you as well!
    I have one more chemo on Wednesday. I can't wait until it's over.
    Be blessed!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
    Not Doing Much Right Now.


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~Mary Ann