
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Summer Happenings

This summer started off with a bang!

Since I posted last, we have had several sets of overnight visitors, had a huge adoption fundraiser yard sale and we just arrived home from a week long trip to Oregon to visit my family.

While in Oregon, we enjoyed a Eugene Emeralds baseball game. 
I hope to slow some at this point, being mindful in accomplishing some home things that need attention and enjoy the rest of the summer.

In adoption news, our first home study visit is scheduled at the end of this month. If you would like to more closely follow our adoption journey, we invite you to visit our blog, Shepherd's Little Lamb. We try to post there at least monthly to keep everyone updated on the process. The blog is a great way to learn about current fundraisers that we are doing as well. In a nutshell, our last name means 'shepherd' so Shepherd's Little Lamb seemed to be a fitting blog name. (And many of the other names we thought of were already taken or too difficult to spell.)

Hopefully, I'll be back to blogging a little more regularly. My goal is to post twice a week through the summer.

How is your summer going? 


  1. How fun that you were able to visit family! When I was young we went to visit my grandparents, in Virginia, each summer. It was alway an adventure!

    I was super stressed before our first homestudy visit. She came in and we chatted like friends. Everyone told me how laid back and easy it would be. I guess it was one of those things I had to experience for myself. This is wonderful journey you are on. Praying you're holding your little one soon!

  2. Wendi,

    They've said that the home study visits are nothing to freak out about. Apparently much easier than a DSS home study. I'm not too worried but will want the house in decent order. :-) One of my friends who recently completed her second adoption with the same agency said that she spent a lot of time worrying needlessly through the process and everything turned out fine.


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~Mary Ann