
Monday, December 01, 2014

After Thanksgiving

This is what Rock looks like after his party weekend at puppy camp. 

In fact, I kind of feel that way myself after Thanksgiving! 

My mother-in-law graciously sent the HUGE turkey carcass (with lots of dark meat still on, which we love) home with me. So I'll be making broth and soup this week. I'm scouring my soup cookbooks for a good and maybe more unusual turkey soup recipe. If you have a good method or recipe, I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

I made this Turkey Dinner Soup a couple of years ago which we enjoyed a lot. 

These are setting on my counter after a jelly making session right before we left for Thanksgiving. This apple jelly was made with apple peelings and cores from some dried apples I made earlier. Waste not, want not!

I got the idea from Wendi's blog and then followed the directions for apple jelly included in my box of pectin--I used Certo.

Have a great week and enjoy the first week of December! 


  1. Glad you tried the peel/core jelly. Isn't it fun to use it up?!

    Making turkey stock and soup is on my list for this week. I love turkey and rice soup. I look forward to it all year!

  2. LOL Rock looks so cute! I have my turkey carcass and bits in the freezer. I'm going to wait until it gets a bit cooler to make soup.


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~Mary Ann