
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Using Those Organizing Containers

There's been more time for organizing the past few days since we've been snowed in!

We're preparing for an early spring yard sale so one of my February goals is to go through the house and do a pretty thorough decluttering! I'd love to clean out the sheds as well but don't know if I'll get that far this month. 

All of those Freecycled organizing containers are coming in handy; I've used more than I thought I would!  

I've been going through cabinets and drawers tossing trash, filling the yard sale box and organizing a little if needed. 

Here are a few examples of my organizing projects so far. I'm very pleased with how these turned out. 

Nothing fancy but maybe these pictures will inspire you in your quest for an organized home! 

Pens and pencils in the junk drawer. 

Cloth hankies in a drawer. Previously they were just stuffed in any old way.

Summer skin supplies.

Medicine box. 

First aid supplies. 
The sunscreen box, meds and first aid boxes all fit perfectly in a cabinet in the guest bathroom. Much better than before! 


A soft-sided bin used for socks. I used four of these type bins in my drawers. For my drawers. Ha! This is the only one pictured for privacy and to maintain my personal dignity. 

These soft-sided bins are from the Dollar Tree and work very well. 

I used this cute divided box with snap on lid for some of my jewelry. I really like this container and may use it somewhere else  in the future but for now it works nicely for jewelry. 

And that's all for today! 

**Are you in an organizing mood too or is it just me? **  


  1. Good job organizing! I put two plastic narrow bins in my junk drawer too. I think I got a set of 4 for a dollar at the Dollar Tree.

    Yes we're in an organizing mode here. We're having a garage sale in April or May (whenever the weather starts being nice).

  2. I always enjoy seeing organization posts! Thanks for the inspiration!

    I love, love, love snow and being snowed in is wonderful..... but after two snow events, I can definitely see how those in heavy snow areas could get tired of it! :o)

  3. Looks good! I really like that you got so many of them free and are using them in helpful ways.

    Drawers are just funny :)


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~Mary Ann