
Friday, August 30, 2013

No Spend September

We're in the midst of a job and financial transition. So we've determined that September will be a no-spend month!

Actually, maybe we should call it a "no frills" or "no extras" month for a  more accurate description!

We will still pay our bills--the mortgage, insurance, gas/electric and so on. We will buy groceries. We will keep the cars filled with gas. We will buy necessities.

We won't buy dog food but we have a brand-new bag that will last for 2 months. We won't be doing a pantry challenge as such, but will be working to stretch the grocery budget as much as possible--whatever I can save in this area would be helpful to use elsewhere.  We won't be eating out or going shopping except with gift cards that we already have. No thrifting or clothes shopping  unless we absolutely need something! We'll try to combine trips to save gas as much as possible.

We will enjoy being creative with what we have. We'll watch movies we already have or are on our Netflix or Hulu Plus subscriptions. We'll work on home projects that don't require extra spending. We'll eat at home for the most part and still extend hospitality.  We will be resourceful when we have to. We'll remind ourselves that this is temporary and this no-spend challenge is a way to stay in the black and be able to use our emergency fund for, well, an emergency.

We will count our blessings--there are many-- and remember that God is our Provider and our Source of all things. Finances and material blessings are just a small part of His provision.

Don't be surprised if most of my posts for September center around the topics of frugality, creativity and resourcefulness!  I'll also be sharing updates on our "no spend" challenge from time to time!

Would you like to join in with this challenge? Let me know in the comments! You can set your own rules and goals!



  1. Our September will be pretty much be the same. With all the money we recently spent on school supplies, fees, an unexpected dental expense and the start of piano lessons again for Megan we need to tighten the spending up.

    I hope everything works out with the job transition!

  2. We reworked our budget in August and it amazingly worked out so well, with money left in some of the envelopes at the end of the month. I think the new and very near Aldi accounts for part of the success and also both husband and I being on the same page, so to speak, with some financial goals.
    I'll be reading in September, frugal tips always interest me.

    And I second Wendi in hoping your job transitions are for the best.

  3. Can't wait to read all about your No Spend month. Any frugal tips I can pick up are always great. Good Luck!


  4. Thank you Mary Ann for reminding us of the many ways God blesses us...

    As my extended family deals with health issues, I am reminded that taking care of our health the best we can is one way to think about doing what we can to reduce health care costs..
    I also know that I need to stop buying items at the THRIFT STORE--I love to find goodies there and I will make a pledge not to visit any thrift stores until the first of December. The discipline of tracking our spending continues.... :-)

  5. Well I love those kinds of posts so I'll be looking forward to them.

    Hope everything works out for you guys.


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~Mary Ann