
Friday, June 21, 2013

2013 Garden

Here are some pictures of our 2013 garden.

I've been super slow in getting everything in the ground and then taking care of it but it seems to be thriving anyways!

My garden plot isn't picturesque--it's the "raised" garden bed that was here when we moved in; it had been neglected for a long time and the boards around the garden are pretty much rotted out. We don't have the time or energy--or expertise-- at the moment to replace it so we just used what we had and have been planting there as is. We did enlarge the garden space by about 3 feet in the front and 5 feet on the side. So some is level with the ground and some is raised!

Fortunately, our soil is very good--nice and brown instead of Carolina red clay! This is a blessing! 

I've gathered a little gardening experience over the years by planting a few things in flowerbeds and pots but I'm still learning as I go. I'm trying to remember to take notes as I go along so I can remember the details and learn from my mistakes and successes.

There are no weeds in the garden of my dreams...but this is reality. So you will see some weeds in these pictures. I try, I really do! :-)

Green beans almost ready to pick!
Pepper and onions.

Zucchini. We've picked three nice ones so far. Cucumbers are producing well too.
I have basil growing on the deck in containers. We had a couple Rubbermaid totes without lids so we drilled holes and made planters! I have dill in one but it's not looking so good at the moment. The basil is doing great! I've made this awesome Creamy Basil and Avocado Dip and have the ingredients to make some pesto.

Other things growing that are not captured in these close-up shots: tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, more onions in planters, Swiss chard and of course, our mystery plants.

How is your garden growing? 


  1. Looks great... weeds and all! I don't have anything producing at the moment. There are some small cherry tomoatoes and the cucumbers have lots of blooms. I can hardly wait for fresh green beans!

  2. Your garden is looking wonderful! I know absolutely NOTHING about gardening and have never grown anything before. Well....I did try to grow tomatoes in a pot once, but wasn't consistent in my watering and they ended up with bottom end rot.

  3. Awesome job, Mary Ann! I never would've guessed that you were new to gardening at all! Your basil is beautiful!

    I'm with you ~ learning as I go. Like right now, I'm wondering when to pick what (herbs, lettuce, etc.). What a fun summer adventure!:-)

    Great to see some posts for you. I'm working on a couple slowly.

    Blessings on your summer~


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~Mary Ann