
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Frugal Five And An Expensive Repair!

It was a pretty frugal week, quiet and uneventful, until Saturday. We lost water and come to find out, the connector on our pump (well) had broken. No water in house + water bubbling in the front yard = a problem. We were planning to wait for a repair until Monday as weekend plumbing jobs are usually twice the price! We were fortunate to find a company who doesn't charge more for weekends so they sent a technician out and the repair was complete within a few hours. Not cheap by any stretch but certainly money well spent--we have water again! While this was major, it could've been a whole lot worse and even more expensive.

As far as frugal things go:
  1. Stayed home most of the week--no go, no spend!
  2. We didn't eat out this week; we have a separate cash envelope for eating out and we've used most of it already this month, so we ate at home!
  3. Harvested more lettuce from the garden; planted some onions. I'm so slow in gardening this year; hope to get it in soon!
  4. Used this frugal cardboard method for my rose bed; we'll see how it does. It was a quick and easy project-- Toddler Girl said it looked nice once I finished!:-)  Hoping to use cardboard as a weed barrier in between the rows in the garden too.
  5. Made homemade laundry soap!
And a bonus: Discovered that the freezer door hadn't been closed properly (my fault) before anything had a chance to thaw much. Thanking God for that!

What frugal things have you been up to?


  1. Always like your frugal 5. I am sure toddler girl is right that the beds look nice :)

    when we lived in the country and were dirt-poor, lightening struck our well pump early one Sunday morning. I checked the paperwork and we had 1 month left on the 5 year warranty. The original installer came out and replaced it, no charge at all, and we even made it to church on time.

  2. Just wanted you to know that I really enjoy reading your blog.

  3. I've been doing the "no go, no spend" thing here too!

    Other frugal things: Growing veggies from prior years' seeds that have been stored in the fridge and freezer. Next week I plan a pantry week, and hoping not to go grocery shopping.


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~Mary Ann