
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Frugal Five

Thankfully, not as much spending happened around here this week!

Five frugal things for the week:

  1. Got some deals at Target.
  2. Stopped at some thrift stores this weekend and scored a few good things I'd been looking for: a booster seat (for the table) for the littles ($3), some rain boots for me ($3.99), a beautiful Shabby Chic sheet for sewing ($2.99), a variety of organizing containers (25 cents - $1) and a few other things. I'd been looking for rain boots for me for a while and had priced them new--way more than $3.99! They are super cute; I'll try to post a picture soon.
  3. Made asparagus soup using this recipe as a guide. I used the woody ends I had saved and didn't have nearly as much as the recipe so I scaled it back considerably and it made two bowls. Just enough for the two of us! It was quite good!
  4. Needed a basket to store some things on top of our bathroom cabinet. I had a wire basket that fit the space just right but the handle were too high and they don't bend. I thought about this a moment, then took the handle off. Perfect! No need to buy another basket and I can put the handle back on if I want to use it at another spot.
  5. Started saving banana peels for fertilizer for my roses and garden. We go through quite a few bananas around here so I should have a nice collection soon. The link on that pin is no longer found; google something like "banana peels for fertilizer" and you should be able to find out more information. Toddler Boy's mom said that her parents put a banana peel in each hole before planting their tomatoes and it makes a big difference in the crop and health of the plants.
How have you saved money this week? 


  1. 1. Filled a bag of clothes for $2 at the thrift store!
    2. used free pizza coupons for the girls Book It Pizza Hut program.
    3. Used my Bi-Lo Fuel Perks discount to fill up with gas - saved over $20!
    4. Received our Federal Tax Return :)
    5. Read a book from the library.

    This is fun :)

  2. Thanks for the tip on the banana peels!

    Frugal things:

    *We got an older upright freezer for free from my parent's neighbor. This has been on our wish list for a long time!

    *The springs on my dishwasher are broken. I called a local repair shop to price parts. More then we want to pay to repair a 10 year old appliance. I have been dealing with it and being careful when opening and closing the door.

    *The liner in Megan's backpack has come apart. It is driving her nuts and instead of buying a new one I was able to repair it.

    *I had milk that was about to go bad and made a big batch of gravy for the freezer.

    *Spent lots of time at home!

  3. Thanks for the banana tip. My thumb is so not green, I need all the good tips :)

  4. Going to start saving banana peels ~ thank you! {Had no idea.}

    *Used a 40% off coupon at Michael's ~ always print those off the computer before going there. :-)

    *Got some DVDs for school from library.

    *Made one ham last many meals this week (variety ~ for dinner, with eggs for breakfast, in crockpot with beans).

    Hope you are having a great weekend!


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~Mary Ann