
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Frugal Five

Five frugal things from this past week:

1. We needed to buy more ink. Staples gives $2 through their reward system for each ink cartridge you return. We had 5 cartridges. So we will get $10 back to use in the store.

2. Went out to eat and used a $10 off 2 entrees coupon. We enjoy eating out several times per month and have an "Eating Out " cash envelope so this money doesn't come out of our grocery budget. We do try to use coupons and deals when we can to stretch this budget a bit further.

3. Stayed home a lot. This is really nothing new. I work from home and am a homebody. But I'm convinced staying home so much has saved us hundreds of dollars over the years.

4. Used a couple Food Lion store coupons to get $1/$3 produce purchase and $2 off my whole purchase (from a recent store brand promotion). I was able to get 6 avocados, 2 green peppers and 2 small bags of M&M's (it had been a DAY!) for under $3!

5. There's been colds and congestion going around our home. I've been utilizing home remedies and using essential oils I already have on hand to treat. So far, it seems to be working!

What have you saved money on recently?


  1. Curious if you have any sore throat suggestions - that is my standard that I get if I'm going to get sick. Uck.

    Ok, let's see - frugal:

    * Samuel got a pair of jeans for Christmas, right before leaving for Disney World the snap came off. I tried to fix it but ended up calling the company and they're going to send me a replacement pair of jeans!

    * Used two free chicken sandwich coupons at Chick-fil-A.

    * We took all of our own food with us to Disney World the other day and stayed with family - big savings.

    * Gave Samuel and David hair cuts!

    * After trying a couple of local places for new lenses for Samuel's glasses my best estimate was $130. A friend suggested Sam's and I recently bought a membership - $39 total. Awesome.

    * Tried a homemade jewelery cleaner and was pleased with how it worked {Pinterest!}

    PS: I agree with you about staying home saving money :)

  2. This week I:

    *Took a CVS survey and earned a $10 ECB coupon.

    *Used my grocery money to buy only sale items to stock my pantry.

    *Swapped books with my MIL instead of hitting the bookstore.

    *Took all of the money except for bill and gas money and transferred it to my savings account. It makes me stop and think about my purchase more if I have to trf money out of my savings account to do it!

    *Like you I spent much of my time at home.

  3. Amen to #3! :-) I agree with you there and do the same.

    Sorry to hear about your illness! I'm praying for you all! We just got over a respiratory flu bug that made it's way through the family.

    My frugal five for the week:

    1. Trimmed my own hair instead of getting a haircut (just the ends). I know ! ;)

    2. Borrowed some DVDs from the library for family movie night.

    3. Purchased some needed clothing items at a thrift store for a fraction of the regular prices.

    4. Am in the process of making homemade valentines with on-hand materials for our homeschool group friends instead of buying.

    5. We have begun shopping at Aldi for groceries almost exclusively ~ way cheaper than our other local alternatives and I'm not much of a couponer.


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~Mary Ann