
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Bushel Of Pumpkins And A Giveaway!

Remember these pumpkins I made last year?

I recently whipped up a big batch of them and they are in my shop

But for fun, I'm also offering up a set of 3 pumpkins as a giveaway here on the blog!

The giveaway will be open all week and I'll draw a winner on Saturday, October 20.

To enter: Simply leave a comment on this post for a chance to win! Make sure you leave a name and a way to get in touch with you if you win--an email address, link back to your profile or blog that includes an email, etc. I can't give the prize to Anonymous or to someone that I have no way of getting in touch with!:-)

For additional entries:

(Leave a separate comment for each one.)
  • Leave a comment stating what you love the most about fall!
  • Leave a comment stating your favorite cool weather or fall food to cook or eat. 
  • Leave a comment sharing your favorite fall activity! 
Happy Fall! 


  1. What I love most about fall is the cooler weather, tastes: apple cider, pumpkin anything, soups, etc
    and the beautiful handiwork of God in all the colors!

  2. my favorite fall activity is getting ready for Thanksgiving. I have all my family over (I am one of 5 kids so we are a big family)

  3. The thing I love most about fall is the changing leaves. It is like a new picture outside my window each day.

  4. I enjoy making (and eating!) chili and cornbread. I would make it once a week if my family wouldn't get sick of it.

  5. Picking my favorite fall activity is hard! Do I really have to pick just one!? So far this year my favorite activity has been making a caramel dip with Megan.

  6. They are so cute. I love the fabric choices you made them with.

  7. My favorite fall food - is anything that is homemade and smells like "comfort" coming out of the oven.

  8. favorite fall activity?

    Barn socials with a bonfire and hayrides.

    Taking "fall" photos. LOVE!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What I love most about fall?

    The crisp fresh air first thing in the morning. The outdoor sounds are different. There is a smell in the air that is cozy.

    The warmth of indoors when you step back inside.

  10. I love the pumpkins !! Nice way to add fall decore without going overboard !
    Would love to win them !!


  11. So fun, would love to win these!

  12. I love the weather and the fact that my birthday is in the Fall :).

  13. My husband makes a really delicious pumpkin chili that I quite enjoy and of course all the pies!

  14. Oh these are so cute! What a fun giveaway. :o)

  15. What I love most about fall is the way the sunlight changes, especially on the crisp, cool days.

  16. My favorite fall foods are soups and casseroles. I also make chocolate chip pumpkin muffins in October only (because they aren't at all healthy!).

  17. My favorite fall activity is just being outside with my dogs and not being hot. I enjoy raking leaves and watching my younger dog frolic in the yard.

  18. These are so cute!

    egholtrop at gmail dot com

  19. I love these! My favorite thing about them is that I could actually use them to decorate for fall without my two toddlers breaking them. :)

    Laurasu82 at

  20. My favorite thing about fall is cooler weather. I love being able to take my boys to the park at anytime of the day without being hot and sweaty.

    Laurasu82 at

  21. My favorite fall foods are pumpkin pie and chili in the crock pot!

    Laurasu82 at

  22. My favorite fall activity is when our whole family goes to the pumpkin patch to let my boys pick out their own pumpkins.

    Laurasu82 at
