
Monday, July 30, 2012

This Week's Meal Plan

With buying a house, moving, vacation and an incredibly full schedule this summer, my routines, menu planning and  planning in general have fallen by the wayside. This week's menu plan is an attempt to get back into the swing of things. Being organized keeps our home, life and finances flowing much more efficiently!

We've been making good use of our local farmer's market this summer, seeing it more as a grocery stop rather than a novelty. I don't necessarily think I save that much money over buying produce at the grocery store overall but we are buying local and getting much better quality food, much of it being unsprayed and heirloom varieties for the price of conventional produce. We hope to be able to grow more of our own produce in the future--a fall garden is in the beginning stages right  now-- but until then, getting to know local farmers is a good thing!

After a couple of months of being more relaxed in our low-grain eating style, we've eased back into it and can tell a positive difference in how we feel. One of the disadvantages of eating a healthier diet, we've found,  is that our bodies can tell right away if we're not eating right! I guess it would be an advantage too, because if we know we're not going to feel well, maybe we are more apt to make wise food choices.

B- Scrambled eggs
L- Leftover buffet
Snack- Watermelon, dark chocolate
D- Sausage, zucchini, pepper and mushroom stir fry, rice

B- Scrambled eggs, avocado slices
L- Leftover fish, cottage cheese, raw veggies
Snack- Watermelon
D- Crockpot chicken, sauteed green beans, baked sweet potatoes-- Using the rest of the chicken for several more meals this week!

B- Sunday hash and poached eggs--we love this!
L- Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day--Excited to show our support for this company that publicly stands for God's principles! We enjoy their grilled chicken salads, too.
Snack- Kiwi, yogurt with honey
D- Chicken Salad on greens, deviled eggs, raw veggies

B- Scrambled eggs
L- Roast beef and cheese lettuce wraps, raw veggies
Snack- Bananas and peanut butter
D-Chicken gravy over rice, broccoli

B- Scrambled eggs
L- Leftovers or salmon patties
Snack- Smoothie
D- Stuffed jalapenos with bacon and rice (fresh peppers from farmers market!), veggie plate or salad, cheese slices, rice chips

B- Crustless quiche with eggs, cheese and leftover veggies
L- Packed lunches
Snack- Nuts, dried fruit
D- Hot dogs, pickles, veggie

What are you eating this week?

**This post is part of Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. We're planning to head to Chick-fil-A tomorrow too, Mary Ann! =) To God be the glory!

    Your menu plans always look delicious ~ thanks for sharing!

    Hope you are having a great week!


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~Mary Ann