
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beach Vacation-3

 On our way to the beach with Andy's parents, we had some time to kill so we stopped at the Darlington Raceway in Darlington, South Carolina. We toured the gift shop and museum.

 After the museum, we got permission from security to go up to the racetrack. We were not allowed inside of course, but were allowed to go up to the catch fence and look around.

 A view of the "Darlington Stripe".

 Andy's parents.

 Andy and his dad.

The tunnel.

This is the last of our vacation pictures! Hope you enjoyed seeing them!

Monday, July 30, 2012

This Week's Meal Plan

With buying a house, moving, vacation and an incredibly full schedule this summer, my routines, menu planning and  planning in general have fallen by the wayside. This week's menu plan is an attempt to get back into the swing of things. Being organized keeps our home, life and finances flowing much more efficiently!

We've been making good use of our local farmer's market this summer, seeing it more as a grocery stop rather than a novelty. I don't necessarily think I save that much money over buying produce at the grocery store overall but we are buying local and getting much better quality food, much of it being unsprayed and heirloom varieties for the price of conventional produce. We hope to be able to grow more of our own produce in the future--a fall garden is in the beginning stages right  now-- but until then, getting to know local farmers is a good thing!

After a couple of months of being more relaxed in our low-grain eating style, we've eased back into it and can tell a positive difference in how we feel. One of the disadvantages of eating a healthier diet, we've found,  is that our bodies can tell right away if we're not eating right! I guess it would be an advantage too, because if we know we're not going to feel well, maybe we are more apt to make wise food choices.

B- Scrambled eggs
L- Leftover buffet
Snack- Watermelon, dark chocolate
D- Sausage, zucchini, pepper and mushroom stir fry, rice

B- Scrambled eggs, avocado slices
L- Leftover fish, cottage cheese, raw veggies
Snack- Watermelon
D- Crockpot chicken, sauteed green beans, baked sweet potatoes-- Using the rest of the chicken for several more meals this week!

B- Sunday hash and poached eggs--we love this!
L- Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day--Excited to show our support for this company that publicly stands for God's principles! We enjoy their grilled chicken salads, too.
Snack- Kiwi, yogurt with honey
D- Chicken Salad on greens, deviled eggs, raw veggies

B- Scrambled eggs
L- Roast beef and cheese lettuce wraps, raw veggies
Snack- Bananas and peanut butter
D-Chicken gravy over rice, broccoli

B- Scrambled eggs
L- Leftovers or salmon patties
Snack- Smoothie
D- Stuffed jalapenos with bacon and rice (fresh peppers from farmers market!), veggie plate or salad, cheese slices, rice chips

B- Crustless quiche with eggs, cheese and leftover veggies
L- Packed lunches
Snack- Nuts, dried fruit
D- Hot dogs, pickles, veggie

What are you eating this week?

**This post is part of Menu Plan Monday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beach Vacation-2

 We all went to the aquarium at Fort Fisher one day. It was a shorter drive plus more fun to take the ferry so that's what we did!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Beach Vacation-1

Last week was spent at the beach with Andy's family. This was the first time we all vacationed together and we all had a lot of fun. There were 15 of us all together--8 adults and 7 children ranging from 11 years to 15 months. What a crazy beach house!

This batch of photos is from the beach we stayed at.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Laundry Tip

We use a good amount of Shout for pre-wash stain treatment. I always used to keep it in the laundry room with all the other laundry supplies.

One day, I had the bright idea to keep a bottle of Shout in our bathroom which is near the hamper. Now we can easily spray the stains right away when changing clothes.

Saves a lot of steps and I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crayon Muffins

Setting art supplies on the deck so the children could draw while playing outside= Smart.

Forgetting about container of crayons on a 100 degree day= Oops!

Fortunately they weren't completely melted by the time I discovered them (although close) so I let them harden back up and decided to turn the  misshapen crayons into crayon muffins or as we fondly are calling them,  "round crayons".

I followed these instructions and used a mini muffin pan that I have just for fun non-edible activities such as this one.

Super easy and something fun and a little different for the children to enjoy--inside!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Our New Ride

After years of thriving as a one car family, we've once again added a second vehicle.

We opted for a van this time as we could use something bigger--we haul a lot of stuff around for business and personal use, have a large dog and often have kids here with us. We had our eyes on  crossover type vehicles such as the Chrysler Pacifica for a long time and even looked at a station wagon or two but in the end went with a van that we were able to get at an amazing price!

I think we'll really like it!  And we were able to pay cash this time around.

Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Whose Cup Is It?

What do you do when you have a couple extra kids in the house and you can't keep the cups straight?

Using a Sharpie, write each child's name on a wide rubber band (saved from produce) and slip them onto the cups.

Problem solved. And the rubber band provides a grip too which is sometimes helpful for little ones!

I can't take credit for this since I saw it on a blog somewhere years ago. Definitely a useful little thing!

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Patriotic Fruit

Real and nutritious food can be fun too!
**Patriotic Fruit Salad--I just used watermelon and blueberries.

I don't have a picture to share but the little ones and I made these pretzel and M&M treats today. Not anything close to nutritious or real food but a fun treat to make together and share with all the families!

**Both ideas courtesy of Pinterest!

Happy birthday, America!

Monday, July 02, 2012

How Not To Be A Good Host

We've been dog-sitting for a friend this week and while the two are getting along quite well, our dog Rock is guest posting today to teach us what a good host does NOT do!

1. Follow your guest everywhere even after you've been properly introduced. If your guest fails to notice you right behind him, move up and get in his face. He'll notice you then. And growl.

2. Eat your guest's food. Just push yourself over to your guest's bowl and help yourself. And while you're at it, why not drink his water too! But snap your guest's ear off if he goes near your bowl.

3. Sleep on your guest's bed. Even though your bed is only 2 feet away. Every guest feels right at home when he has to sleep on the floor in spite of bringing his own bed!

The End

 In spite of Rock's manners, a good time was had by all! The kids especially loved playing with Mason who is a champion Fetch player!