
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Trash to Treasure Table

My husband brought this table home with him from a  flea market a few weeks ago. 

I'll admit that when I first saw it, I wasn't overwhelmed by its beauty! I liked the size, shape and style but all I could see was the amount of work it would take to make it look nice. But it was only $6 and a much nicer size for our space than the current table. In addition, we hope to possibly purchase a home within the next year or so and this small table would be a great size for many purposes.

A good cleaning took care of most of the dirt and some of the marks on the top as well as helping the smell a bit. But it still looked rough. Lots of scratches and stains.

I shot a quick message to my sister who loves to repaint and fix up thrifted furniture in need of TLC. She didn't think it would take much to get it looking presentable. Then she offered to help me paint it if I wanted to bring it to her house Easter weekend.

Well sure!

So I packed it up in the car along with a small thrifted stand that also in need of a paint job.

Road trip!

I decorate with a lot of red and lately I've been admiring the combination of aqua and red. My sister said she had some aqua paint I could use.

So we got out the supplies and started working. These pictures tell the story of turning a table that was fit for the trash into a treasure!

These projects did not take long at all with the proper tools and two of us working! We distressed the edges a bit at the end for a charming look and gave the table top a couple coats of Min-wax.

Love the finished product!


  1. Looks absolutely beautiful! Love the color you chose!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  2. Beautiful results! You and your sister are very talented. I had an old table that looked worse than that, and I didn't know how to fix it, so I just bought a new table. The good thing was we gave the old table to a friend who needs some extra money and he sold it at a flea market. So someone else could be turning my trash into their treasure.
    Love the aqua and red combination!

  3. 2 very wonderful projects! I like them both.

    and what a great sister you have.

  4. Very pretty Mary Ann. It turned out great! What a great deal too.

  5. Looks great!! I have a table in need of painting too, but it's felt like a daunting task. You've made it seem like it won't be that bad :)

  6. I love how it turned out! What a fun story you'll have to share too!


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~Mary Ann