
Friday, April 27, 2012

Inexpensive Photo Album Gifts

Since we got a camera that takes better pictures, I've enjoyed taking pictures of the littles throughout the year and then compiling them into a small album for their birthdays.

Not only is it a pretty easy gift but also one that parents really love and appreciate! And all littles love to look at pictures of themselves.

Last year for Toddler Girl's 1st birthday, I had a coupon code for a free Shutterfly photo book. It turned out beautifully and I only had to pay shipping.

Without a coupon code, however, photo books are a little out of my gift budget so I began thinking of a simpler option for Baby Boy's 1st birthday in March and Toddler Girl's birthday in April.

I found that by purchasing small basic "brag book' type albums at Dollar Tree  for $1 each and then getting about 20-30 photos printed, my cost was around $5 per album. Less than shipping for a free photo book!

But...these cheap little albums are boring and the selection of covers was lacking. Hmmm... I noticed  that I could replace the cover art with pictures or my own art to personalize it, so that's what I did!

I used a combination of scrapbook paper, fabric and a little Heat and Bond adhesive (glue if using paper) to create cute monogrammed covers.

Not only are these albums inexpensive but they're a super easy and personalized gift too!

**This post is a part of Frugal Fridays!

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~Mary Ann