
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NASCAR Hall Of Fame

 Andy's parents were in town a couple of weekends ago and they took us to the NASCAR Hall Of Fame in Charlotte one day.

Since I've learned everything I know about racing from the movie Cars, this was a very educational experience for me!

It's a very nicely done museum with lots of history, memorabilia, a short IMAX presentation and lots of interactive activities including a race car simulator. Which was scary. But fun. For me. Evidently I screamed a lot. And had a lot of wrecks and was out of the race before I could complete even one lap! But my father-in-law and husband came in 2nd and 3rd of 9!

We really enjoyed ourselves. And now I want to go to a race!


  1. Fun! I know that Chuck would really enjoy this.

  2. I would've been very well educated too, as I know nothing!You are too cute in that picture ~ your stance reminds me of Vanna White displaying the letters for "Wheel of Fortune". =)

    I was able to tour the Indy 500 as a little girl (not when there was a race), and I remember looking at the cars inside some...but mostly I was excited about the bar of soap I picked up in the gift shop! hee hee I had a soap collection and this was a famous bar of soap! ha!

    Looks like a good time.

  3. How awesome! I'm hoping to get down to Charlotte to visit the Hall of Fame one day. Only five more races to go in the Chase for the Championship!

    Go KB #18!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  4. well, I can't claim to be a Nascar fan but I do like vintage cars. Those are really beautiful.

    and, I am finally getting with an eating plan like yours. I think I am allergic wheat, my DD is so I think it is quite possible I am too. Anyway. I've only been wheat free for a few days but some symptoms I was having have pretty much disappeared.
    I saw your comment at Hummingbird homemaking, she makes lots of sense, doesn't she?

  5. Looks like a fun place to visit! I think it would be fun to go to a race too some day; hope you guys get to!



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