
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Planning Monday

The week is already off to a great start! As usual, I've tried to map out my week a little by jotting down some plans. It just makes the days run a  bit smoother!

Back to the To-Do List this week:

1) Mow lawn- done!
2) Trim bushes in backyard.
3) List some items to sell on Ebay and Craig's List. Have a few items I'd like to move out.
4) Pick blueberries or blackberries...maybe!
5) Plant some more green beans.

 Last week's painting activity--this was a big hit with everyone!

Fun Stuff For The Kidlets:
Big Brother is attending camp this week so this week's fun activities are mainly for Toddler Girl.  For a toddler, open-ended process-oriented activities are the every best as this age is so into exploration of everything! So I've planned a few simple things for her that I know she'll love!

**Water play-- Put a few inches of water in a plastic tub and add some colanders, funnels, yogurt cups and assorted water toys. Let her play..outside! :-)
Important: Never ever  leave a small child unattended around water even if it's only a few inches!! Always provide close supervision.

**Edible finger paint. Tint a little plain yogurt with food coloring. Another outside activity!

**Drawing with markers--this is a favorite!

**Stroller ride around the neighborhood--weather permitting. It's been pretty hot here already this week!

 Taco Salad from last week.

 On the low-carb menu this week:

**Out for breakfast(1x)
**Scrambled eggs with veggies(5x)

1) Banana and peanut butter--this was after eating a bigger breakfast than usual at a restaurant!
2) Cold rotisserie chicken, veggies
3) Leftovers
4) Hard-boiled eggs, cheese, veggies
5) Leftovers
6) Tuna salad lettuce wraps, veggies

Supper: Trying not to use the oven much this week!
Most meals also include a salad and/or veggie.

1) BLT salad-- bacon, lettuce, tomato, swiss cheese, hard-boiled egg.
2) Egg roll lettuce wraps-- sauteed cabbage and chicken seasoned with garlic and soy sauce wrapped in lettuce.
3) Meeting--TBD
4) Spaghetti squash with red sauce-- cook squash in crockpot.
5) Beef ribs on grill.
6) Rice salad with chicken and veggies. 

**This post is part of Menu Plan Monday!

What are your favorite warm weather meals?


  1. We are under an excessive heat advisory so I am not using the oven. I have changed my menu so we are eating light.

    Have you let toddler girl play with beans or rice? I pull out the spoons and measuring cups and the kids play for a long, long time.

  2. your taco salad looks delicious.
    I was craving taco salad yesterday and now I see yours. I better put it on our menu plan soon too.

    hope you have had a good day.

  3. How do you cook spaghetti squash in the crock pot? I need more crock pot ideas and this sounds good.

  4. Anonymous-

    Cut your squash in half and scoop out seeds. Place in greased crockpot; you can quarter the squash if needed to make it fit. Cook on low for 4-6 hours. Time may vary so keep an eye on it the first time. Let squash cool until able to handle. Scoop flesh out and place in a bowl, using your fork or spoon to 'noodle' the spaghetti squash as needed. Toss with butter and salt and pepper and serve as desired.

    I've tried it with the sauce on it in the crockpot and we like doing it separately a whole lot better.

  5. taco salad looks good! i want to try to incorporate it in the upcoming weeks
    i know the week is pretty much over and im late commenting(i try to visit everyone throughout the week while Giada sleeps on me :)
    here is a link to my Menu Plan

    enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    From Cristin To Mommy


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~Mary Ann