
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What I've Been Up To

While it's been quiet on my blog lately, it hasn't been quiet at my house!

I've started caring for a 7 week old infant (Baby Boy)  in addition to the 13 month old little girl (Toddler Girl, formerly known as Baby Girl) I already had been keeping.

Days are full and busy. But a good kind of busy!

I'm grateful for the opportunities I have to pour my life into these little ones. Although I am thankful for breaks and not every day is sunshine and roses, as we all know, I do love having my home full of littles!

And it will be full. In a few weeks, Big Brother will once again be joining us when school is out for the summer!

Since we visited Andy's parents  over Mother's Day weekend, we went with them to their church on Mother's Day. Their pastor announced that they were celebrating all women that day, not just mothers. He went on to explain that while there were lots of 'biological' mothers there (I'm guessing this term included adoptive moms as well meaning these are women who have raised or are currently raising children), there were also many 'cardiological' moms (those with a mother's heart who pour their lives into others) present.

That sounds kind of funny, but you would not believe how special and encouraging that term was to me! Encouraged that I wasn't looked over because I don't yet have children of my own. Encouraged that this time of waiting for my own children is not wasted time. And encouraged that spending time pouring my life into other people's children has eternal value!

I know my life has been blessed by many 'cardiological' moms!

I'm hoping to continue posting here on a regular basis but posting may be sporadic for a season as I find a routine that works with my busy schedule.


  1. I love that phrase "cardiological mom"! You certainly are a blessing to the little ones you keep. Your love for them shines through.

  2. What a great way to honor all woman with a mothers heart!!

    I understand exactly where you are. My two extra littles keep me very busy. A good and crazy kind of busy! I think my extra littles are God's way of answering my prayer for more children. Although only one is my own I love all three of the littles I care for each day!

  3. So good to hear from you! It sounds like you're staying very busy, just like you said you would. :)

    I think it's wonderful that not just biological moms are honored, but women who have a mom's heart, though they may not have any children of their own yet.

    Take care.♥

  4. I think you're going to be a great mom! You are so special!


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~Mary Ann