
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Insight From Scripture-- 1 Peter 1

 Today I read in 1 Peter 1.

What jumps out?
Verse 24 and 25: For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."

These verses caused me to question myself about what truly lasts and stands the test of time. So many things I spend my time on are only temporal and while some of them are necessary parts of life, I have to guard myself so that I do not get sucked into these things and take my focus off the only thing that will stand which is God's Word.

Application (How will this change the way I live my life?):
Ask God to help me to align my priorities with His and to give me wisdom on what to spend my time on.

Area of development:
* Growing my faith in Christ.
* Building a love relationship with God.

Today's Prayer:
God, give me discernment and wisdom to know what is worth spending time on and what isn't! Amen.

**Care to join me this week? Read 1 Peter 1 and share your insights in the comments! If you'd like to post your insights on your blog, just leave a link to that post in the comments of this one.

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