
Friday, March 18, 2011

This & That

*Has Daylight Savings Time messed everyone else up as much as it has me? I've been tired and just feeling "off" all week!

*Mowed the lawn for the first time of the season this week.

*God is doing so many awesome things in our lives. So much to share but waiting for the proper timing.

*Soaking hard red wheat berries to use for growing pots of grass for spring.

*Gardening? Should I or shouldn't I? Our yard doesn't seem to be well suited to any major gardening plans. But I may do some pots of this and that like I've done in previous years. Then hit up the local farmer's market for the rest.

*We're transitioning to a different way of eating. We're doing what we can with what we have right now and hope to start completely the first full week of April. This will be a major change but we're looking forward to weight loss and general wellness. I'll share more details as we really get into this but basically we'll be eating protein, vegetables, fruit, some beans and legumes and limited amounts of grains such as brown rice. No bread, pasta, sweets, etc on a regular basis. I've been jotting down all the ideas that have been swarming through my head this week and hope to put together a binder with these meal ideas and recipes so that everything is in one place. Planning and being prepared will be key.

*If you're joining me in drinking plenty of water, how are you doing? In the almost two weeks that I've been aiming for three quarts a day, I'm noticing that I feel great! On weekends or days we are gone a lot, I aim for two quart instead of  three. This seems to work better and I'm still able to be successful!  Since starting regular exercise and drinking plenty of water, I've lost three pounds! Not sure exactly when I lost it, since we just got a new scales but I'm three pounds lighter than a few months ago. I'll take it!:-)

*Temperatures are to be in the upper 80's today or tomorrow. I really need to change out my seasonal clothing.

*Which means I also need to do some mending.

*We're trying to establish  regular weekly date nights.  So far, we typically stay home, eat pizza and watch a movie but it's still something we've begun to look forward to and being intentional about spending time together is good for our marriage.

*Having a yard sale with a friend in a couple of weeks. I keep finding more to get rid of. Yard sales are a lot of work but I do enjoy having one a year, sometimes two if I'm doing it in another location with someone else. It helps to keep things decluttered as well as earn a little extra cash. All leftovers go straight to the thrift store after the sales are over.

*Which reminds me that I will need to clean out my pantry and remove all items we will no longer be eating. Thankfully, my pantry isn't too full! Anyone think I could sell boxes of pasta at a yard sale? Haha! Just kidding! ;-) I'll probably give it away to friends or donate it; maybe both.

*Sun is shining. Birds are singing. Baby Girl is talking. Have a great weekend!


  1. I am going to plant a garden in a kiddie pool. I bought one for $10 and will have to buy soil, but I compost so that will help. I painted the outside of it brown so it isn't so obvious. I enjoy reading your blog even though I don't have time to do a lot of the things you do!

  2. I enjoyed reading your this and that! You have such a lovely heart. ♥


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~Mary Ann