
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Linky Love

 Some good reads around the blogosphere! Enjoy.

But That Doesn't Work for Me at Heavenly Homemakers. We all know how I love my menu plans. And well, planning in general. A great read about loving and serving our families using our own God-given strengths and not comparing ourselves with what other bloggers seem to be doing.

Roku-Or How We Watch TV at If You Do Stuff, Stuff Gets Done.  Don't you just love that blog name? We were very interested in Rhonda's experience with the Roku box since we're looking into our options for less expensive TV once our satellite subscription ends at the end of this year.

Choosing The Important Stuff at Life Your Way. A helpful article on priorities and deciding what is truly important to each of us.

10 Ways To Simplify Without Becoming A Minimalist at Small Notebook. I've been in  major organizing and decluttering mode since January. My yard sale pile is HUGE! Again. Seriously, how does this happen!?! Nevertheless, I get to the point where I see so much that we do not use or need. And we're enjoying the extra space that's been created.


  1. Thank you so much, Mary Ann, for sharing the links you found. :)
    I went to all of them, and they are great...very useful information!
    I really like Rhonda's blog. I'll have to make sure I visit her again.
    Hope you're having a great week!

  2. Hi Mary Ann, I feel so flattered to be mentioned in the same list as Small Notebook and Heavenly Homemakers, they are 2 blogs I subscribe to.
    Thank you!
    I really cannot say enough good about Roku- I don't think I mentioned that they have a number of Christian based and Christian church channels as well as a college channel that has many lectures from top univeristies like Yale and even Dallas Theological Seminary. That channel might be very useful for homeschoolers.


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~Mary Ann