
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Haven-Day 3

I knew today would be a bit busier day with Andy needing to be out of the house early and then a doctor's appointment for me this afternoon.

On my list for today:
*Clean bathroom.
*Make grocery list and plan of attack for shopping trip.
*Doctor's appointment.
*Grocery shopping after appointment. 

I usually soak a load of towels in the washer overnight so they are the first load I run through the next morning. All I have to do is turn the wash machine on when I come out in the morning. By the time I'm finished with my quiet time, the first load of laundry is ready to be switched to the dryer.

Quiet Time: 
Today I read in Romans 5. Verses 3-5 stood out to me today. "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." 

While I certainly have not experienced suffering as Paul did, these verses remind me to allow the trials that I do endure to be a refining fire, purifying and molding me into the person God created me to be.

I spent some extra time in prayer while walking early this morning. A sweet time with the Father. This would be a wonderful habit to cultivate!

Rest of my Day:
While Baby Girl napped after breakfast, I cleaned up the kitchen and threw some chicken broth, veggies, split peas and spices into the crockpot for supper. After that was done, I swept the floors then moved right into my weekly chores--finishing up the laundry and cleaning the bathroom. I had just enough time to plan my grocery shopping trip before she woke up.
I washed my new thrifted piece of fabric today (that I got yesterday) and while folding laundry took a picture to show. :-)

We went for a walk, had lunch and then I watched The Waltons and played with the baby until it was time for her to go home.

Next it was off to my doctor appointment and then several stops for groceries. I didn't get back home until 6:30. I was so glad that I'd put the soup in the crockpot for supper so I didn't have to cook. All we had to do was scoop it into bowls and I quickly broiled some bread with cheese on top. Cheese melts, we call them. Yum!

This has been a busy day and I'm tired. See you tomorrow!

Thanks to Monica for hosting the Making Your Home A Haven challenge! 


  1. Lovely pictures, Mary Ann! Lots of things I like about your day: planning ahead, Waltons, walking, prayer.

    Rest well,

  2. I love that Romans text - it's so hard to face the hard times but so often, they bring us to a new depth of relationship with God.
    I agree, crockpots are WONDERFUL things, especially with a busy family.

  3. I love your cloth. Beautiful. Sounds like it was a very productive day.


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~Mary Ann