
Monday, February 21, 2011

What's Cooking At My House

Since this is the last full week of February, I've searched out the fridge and pantry to see what I have in stock and what needs to be used up instead of doing a lot of grocery shopping this week. I like to do this every so often as it cleans things out before I go grocery shopping again.

I've been keeping meals, especially breakfasts and lunches super simple lately, so these two meals will look pretty similar to past weeks. That's ok; it's working really well for us right now and nobody is going hungry!

oatmeal and fruit
cold cereal, milk and fruit
eggs and toast
yogurt, fruit and possibly granola, if I get some made this week. We love this peanut butter granola!

beef vegetable soup
peanut butter or egg salad sandwiches

1) baked potatoes with cheese and sour cream, steamed broccoli
2) salmon patties, brown rice, steamed carrots
3) spaghetti, mixed veggies, garlic bread
4) homemade pizza, carrot and celery sticks, fresh cookies
5) banana oat pancakes, scrambled eggs, fruit - Did not get to this meal last week!
6) Leftovers or soup and sandwiches

What are your favorite simple meals?


  1. Love your recipes and craft ideas. I bought my first sewing machine this weekend in hopes of learning to sew :) My first project is going to be the dishtowel aprons! Love those ;)

    I have an award for you over at my place.

  2. hubby like to smoke meat in bulk and freeze it. My favorite easy meal is just take a deboned smoked chicken from the freezer and add a few sides. In fact, we had smoked chicken tonight. he smoked 8 chickens in Jan,

    we eat pretty the same thing for lunch and breakfast everyweek too, suits us just fine.


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~Mary Ann