
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Oregon Coast: Down By The Bay

 The original Mo's.

Since I have many good memories of day trips to the coast when we were kids, I was very excited when my brother volunteered to take me to the Oregon coast for the day. My mom and dad accompanied us; Mom was quite excited about getting out of the house!

 We ate at Mo's Annex, just across the street from the original Mo's. Here we could sit by the window and look out over the bay while we ate.

Our first stop was at Mo's for their famous clam chowder. I had never had it, since we always packed a picnic lunch when we went as a family! But it was very tasty!

Mo's Clam Chowder.

This sea gull was perched on the ledge right outside the window.

As we ate, we watched the fishermen down at the dock. Some were cleaning fish and eating fresh seafood that had just been caught while they waited for tourists to come down to the boat to go out on the ocean.  I noticed they had a steamer down there where they were cooking their catches.

 My mom told us the story of when she was a young girl and went deep sea fishing with her dad in the Pacific Ocean, leaving from this same location. She remembers that there was a limit of two salmon per person and she was the only person on the boat that day that caught her limit. Even her dad who was an excellent fisherman. She says that because she was young, the skipper helped her reel them in. Her dad caught one salmon and she caught two. They took them home and they cleaned the fish and canned them.

I love this picture of my parents at the bay. You would never know that my mom just suffered a stroke in December, would you? God has been so good to her!

More Oregon Coast pictures coming tomorrow!


  1. Hi, Mary Ann~
    I enjoyed looking at your pictures. I always like to see different areas of the country...places I'll probably never see in person.

    What a great picture of your mom and dad. Yes, your mom looks very good!

    Hope you're having a great week. :)

  2. Mary Ann- I really enjoyed these pictures and captions. I felt like I was there with you- as part of your family. It was the perfect close to have your cute parents at the end of the post. I think about your mom from time to time and pray she's doing well.

  3. Loved seeing all of your pictures. I am so happy that your mom is doing so well!

  4. As soon as I read your title I started singing "Down by the bay. Where the watermelons grow..... back to my home............." LOL. A winner from Raffi. I love, love, love your photos. The chowder looked yummy and your parents look great. Especially your Mom!! I look forward to more.


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~Mary Ann