
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Make Fun Gift Containers From The Recycling Bin!

One thing I really enjoy is making gift containers out of recycled items! I thought I'd show you a  few that I've done for Christmas this year. They are nothing fancy but it might spark some ideas if you're looking for some last minute wrapping ideas!

I've decorated all of these with scrapbook paper, wrapping paper and old Christmas cards.

Naturally, I don't save every box or container that comes into my house. That would be way too much! But I do keep a few choice items that I know I'll be able to use.

A round box that once held Brie.

A bucket that once held coconut oil. 

An oatmeal container. 
Dinner rolls packaged in a plastic salad box.

I found some links with other packaging ideas that I thought were fun!

I love these fun pop top gift cans

Creative gift card packaging. HT to Money Saving Mom.

What kind of recycled gift containers do you make? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mary Ann! I was searching for oatmeal container crafts when I ran across your Christmas one! How fabulous! I posted it on my blog and linked back to you:) Thanks for sharing! I love it and I know my readers will too:) Stop by and visit us at

    Centers and Circle Time


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~Mary Ann