
Friday, December 31, 2010

Blogging Plans For 2011

I've been making some plans for the new year and one of the areas I've been looking at is blogging.

I really enjoy blogging and see it in part as a journal of our life journey as I record the small things that take place in our home and in my mind. And in doing so, my hope is that my humble writings are an encouragement to my readers to embrace where they're at right now and make the best of it!

A few changes I plan to implement here in the next few months and in 2011:

  • Moving posts from The Gingham Cottage blog and an old cooking blog to this one. I'm beginning to realize that I'm more of a "one blog" girl, so you will be seeing some of those posts here soon.
  • Setting up a Facebook fan page for readers who would like to follow my blog in this way. My husband has been encouraging me to do this for a while and I've resisted for various reasons. This will be rolling out within the next couple of weeks. How many of you are interested in this?
  • Since I want to promote my Etsy shop more this year and grow my little business, I'll be sharing shop news and updates every week or two for those who are interested.
  • I also have a few series in mind as well as some ongoing projects that I'll be blogging about through the year.
Thank you for choosing to visit and read here daily.  I appreciate it more than you know! And thank you to those who faithfully comment here. Your interaction makes blogging so much more fun!

Now I'd like to hear from you! As I make changes to my blog, what are some new features you might like to see? What are some topics you'd like more details on? What is it that you most like to read about here? Are there any improvements that I could make? What is that one burning question that you've been wanting to ask me? :-)

Your feedback will help me to make this blog better in 2011!

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Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love getting comments and feedback from my readers and appreciate you taking the time to let me know that you stopped by!

~Mary Ann