
Monday, October 18, 2010

Small Freezer Cooking Day- Breakfast

I've been contemplating my freezer cooking methods for a while and finally came to the conclusion that it might work better for me to do small theme cooking days rather than huge random freezer cooking marathons.

I personally prefer a few hours work to all day in the kitchen, if possible, and I think this will work a whole lot better in my little kitchen space with no dishwasher.

So I'm thinking of spending one morning or afternoon every week or two, freezer cooking with a short focused plan.  This week's theme is breakfast. Next week will be lunch.

I am in need of some quick breakfast and lunches and this should help!

Here's my breakfast freezer cooking plan for tomorrow:

I'm hoping with an early start and a little prep work tonight, this list will only take me a few hours and will be completed before noon tomorrow.

I'll update with the results tomorrow.

Anyone want to join me?:-)

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