
Monday, July 26, 2010

Menu Plan Monday- The End Of The Month Edition

It's the end of the month and I'm once again using up what we have to create yummy meals!

I'm doing a bit of cooking and baking ahead this week in preparation for my new childcare gig that I'll be starting next week. After thinking it through, my main objective is to plan easy breakfast and lunch options since this set will be here earlier in the morning and then leaving early to mid afternoon. It always helps to be prepared especially until I figure out schedules and am better able to gauge typical early morning moods.:-)

I'm also in the midst of creating a 4 week menu plan rotation complete with shopping lists. Once the tedious detailed work is done, I'm hoping this will save me time and help me to stay in budget better over the next couple of months. 

Blueberry season is upon us and I've been out picking several times. Fresh blueberries are so delicious!

Here's the menu plan for the week:

-blueberry muffins(make extra to freeze), bananas with peanut butter
-sourdough waffles (make extra to freeze), scrambled eggs (2x)
-oatmeal, blueberries
-oatmeal, green smoothies
-whatever is left at the end of the week!

-hot dogs, carrot sticks
-veggie beef soup(crockpot), bread (2x)
-pb&j sandwiches, carrot sticks (2x)

-tuna melts, steamed carrots, greens
-pork and broccoli stir-fry, brown rice
-birthday freebies (2x)
-hamburgers, homemade buns, carrot salad
-What we have and sounds good at the end of the week!

What's cooking at your house this week?

**This post is part of Menu Plan Monday, a gathering of menu plans from around the world!


  1. i'm trying to figure out how to eat from the pantry this week, and your idea of tuna melts sounds good. do you have a special recipe?

    we are having chicken/cabbage asian salad tonite, taco salads sometime this week, sloppy joes, (i have about 3lbs of hamburger to use up!) and maybe general tso's chicken.

    i have been really bad about making up menus for the week. need to get back to it, maybe this fall i'll get in the groove again.

  2. Gail,

    No special recipe for the tuna melts. I just mix a little mayo with a can of drained tuna and some spices-we like some dill weed, garlic powder and curry powder. Chopped celery and onion is good, too. Spread it on slices of bread, sprinkle with shredded cheese and broil for a couple of minutes. Sometimes, I'll put a tomato slice on top of the tuna mixture if I have it; it looks pretty!

    Your Asian salad sounds very yummy! Sounds nice for a hot day.

    Have fun eating from your pantry!

  3. You are smart to plan ahead, especially if you are starting a new schedule. Tonight I made vegetable soup, since it was not 100 degrees today!

  4. Hello - I planned our menus but have had more leftovers than usual, so after tonight's pizza, I'll be serving leftovers until they are gone. Hubby won't mind - he likes all of them and he will be glad it is easier on me.

    I've got a box of blueberries in the fridge, I need to make them into some muffins for the freezer too.

    hope you have a good week

  5. Rhonda,

    I love leftover nights! We do that when the fridge fills up, too.

  6. Debbie,

    Thanks for commenting! My parents were here earlier this week and because of their special diets, veggie soup is something they love and can both have, so I usually make a huge crockpot of it when they're here whether it's summer or not! It's cheap, easy and nutritious, so it works.:-)


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~Mary Ann