
Monday, July 19, 2010

Excuse My Extended Blog Break And Other Bits Of News

Well, I didn't expect to take all of last week off from blogging. But I did. My parents were still here visiting, some of of us were fighting allergies/colds and there were lots of things to do!

I have some posts lined up for this week that will show some of last week's activities. Lots of fun!

My husband will be away for most of this week as he heads out to minister to a friend. I mentioned this family last January. His name is Scott Adams and he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer last December. Several weeks ago, they made the decision to stop chemo as the doctors said it was doing nothing but affecting his quality of life. At that time, they gave him 6 months. The cancer is now in his liver and he has hardly been eating. Please pray for this family. They have 4 young boys ranging in age from 7 years to about 5 months old.

My grandma is having surgery today at 11:30 am Pacific time. She had a similar surgery 10 years ago and has been cancer free since. Now the doctor has seen something there again that doesn't look good so they quickly scheduled surgery for her.

My dad was taken to Urgent Care yesterday and has a touch of pneumonia. He and my mom are still in South Carolina and are currently visiting my sister.

Your prayers are appreciated for all these needs!

I will be starting a new childcare gig in 2 weeks. This is a 2 month arrangement with the possibility of becoming more long-term.  We'll see how it goes. I'll be doing some extra cooking and housekeeping tasks over the next week or so to prepare for extra busy days ahead!

We are pretty settled in our new home. I don't have very many things up on the walls yet, but am working on it little by little. I'll take pictures and post them one of these days.

I hope to get my sewing stuff out this week and work on some fun projects while my husband is gone. Hopefully, it will make the time go faster! My sewing and craft items are pretty much the only boxes that haven't been unpacked. I'm still not sure where I want to set everything up for the long haul.

What's going on at your house?


  1. I will be praying for these special needs this week. Please keep us posted on everything :) Take care.

  2. Saying prayers Mary Ann. Take care!

    Mary Ellen

  3. wow-that's alot on your (mental) plate right now. what a great husband you have to go minister to his friend.

  4. I will add your friend and family to my prayers.

  5. I second Gail
    you do have alot on your mental plate now and I will be praying for you.

    and you are wise to be thinking about cooking and cleaning ahead for your weeks of childcare, it will probably keep you quite busy


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~Mary Ann