
Monday, May 31, 2010

Menu Plan Monday- The 'Cleaning Out For Moving' Edition

We've found a house to rent and we're planning to do some painting and then moving within two weeks, hopefully. Thankfully, we've already done a lot of packing so that will make these busy days and weeks a little less stressful. More details on our new house to come another day!

I would like to defrost the freezer before moving day, so that's on the list  for this week. I dug through the freezer to see what needed to be used up and made my menu based on my finds. I also need to get a few groceries this week and get some fresh produce. We are completely out!

**indicates ready to eat freezer items.

--cold cereal (x2)
--cornmeal mush with cheese (x2)
--waffles, eggs
--egg sandwiches on English muffins**

--beef and veggie soup** (1 serving)
--frozen pizza**
--hummus** and tortillas
--leftovers (x2 )

--bean burritos on homemade tortillas with tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, guacamole**
--cheesy beef and rice casserole,(using cooked ground beef **and cooked brown rice**), peas
--crockpot rotisserie-style chicken, white bean salad, fruit and/or veggie
--egg casserole- utilizing leftover bread** and diced turkey**
--my niece's 1st birthday party!

**This post is part of Menu Plan Monday!


  1. So glad you found a new home! Making life easier in the kitchen for yourself at this time will make you thankful later. I hope all goes smoothly for you.

  2. Yeah!! Good for you, for finding a place to live - so quickly. Can't wait to "read all about it".

  3. wow-- that was fast! happy that you found a place that works for you and hubby. i love having a window over my sink too. didn't have that in the student housing. in fact, in this new place we have alot more windows and alot of natural light. i love it!


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~Mary Ann