
Friday, April 16, 2010

More Random

I'm going through a random streak. I can't quite seem to get my thoughts streamlined enough to do a nice well-thought out blog post so here's a few minis.

**Thanks for all your prayers concerning our housing situation! Through prayer, we are pretty certain that we are not to buy this house. We've been looking at rental listings and becoming familiarized with what's out there. We had always imagined that when we moved from this house, we would purchase our first home. However, we don't feel that it's the right time for us to buy. At the advice of our parents and a few other folks, we're going next week to see what we would pre-qualify for. I don't know that this will change our minds but will help us to make an informed decision. Our house is not on the market yet, so we have time. It's not likely that we will be moving anytime real soon. That's what it looks like now anyways. :-)

**We stopped at a farmers' market yesterday and got some strawberries, bananas, green peppers, cilantro and eggs. The bananas were very ripe and on clearance for 9 cents a pound! I bought 3 big bunches and will freeze most of them for smoothies and baking. The green peppers were also on clearance for 99 cents a bag and will be sliced and frozen, too.  I was tickled to see free-range eggs so I bought a flat, even though the cashier had no idea where the eggs were from. This was disappointing, since I'm starting to like knowing where my food comes from! I did see a sign for farm fresh eggs out in the country while looking at houses this week, so I want to go back there and check it out. Can't wait to find a consistent source for high-quality eggs!

**With spring comes more festivals and vendor fairs, so we've been setting up to sell our wares almost every Saturday. My husband sells military-themed products and I sell my handmade items. This week, I made a bunch of these  into pins and barrettes. They turned out so cute!

**This series on envy and comparison at the Girltalk blog has really hit home. Good stuff!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I also love that series at Girl Talk! I often have struggled with comparing myself and this series has brought me freedom.


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~Mary Ann